first date - part 2 (7)

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today was the well, day. your blind date set up by none other than your quirky best friend lydia. oh lydia, you loved her you really did, she was just a tad too impulsive for your taste.

"okay the date is at 7:00 and it's 3:00 now... that gives me... four hours to get ready."
you mumbled to yourself, sorting out your agenda for the day.

you talked to yourself quite often, it helped you keep a focus on things.

you were dressed in grey bicycle shorts and a large faded yellow shirt. that reminded you, what were you to wear?!

frantically rushing to your wardrobe you pulled out a red sundress with little cream flowers on it. you spun around in the mirror smiling at how flowy it was when it twirled. your hair caught your eye in the blue full length mirror. you desperately needed to fix it up.

"how in the world..?"
you questioned twirling around knotty pieces of hair, wondering what on earth you could've done to make your hair so messy.

however you couldn't ignore the persistent grumble in the pit of your stomach.. you hadn't eaten all day!

ignoring your rats nest of a hairstyle, you sprinted over to the kitchen, the white tiles cold against your feet. you decided to pop a few grapes into your mouth, and you took a swig of the lemonade you had made up in a pitcher.

just as you were about to go do something about your beauty situation, the phone rang.

you didn't recognize the number at first, but after about two rings it came to you.

freddie mercury.

"um hello?"
you answered slightly puzzled.

"hello darling, this must be... (Y/N)?"

this odd man had the loveliest voice you thought you'd ever heard in your life. it wasn't what you were expecting, no, it wasn't a normal english accent with a slang intertwined sentence, it was posh, each word falling off his tongue like magic. you were enchanted.

the man said knocking you out of your thoughtful state.

"oh! yes this is her!"
you said frantically.

"well darling, i'm just calling to say that i'm going to have to schedule a rain check, a lot has come up this evening i'm afraid."


"um yes, sure no problem..."
you said with clear disappointment in your voice.

"okay lovely! have a good night."
the man concluded before you clicked down the phone in place.

"this is why i don't fucking do this! and only a couple hours in advance! i-"
you started ranting to yourself rightfully so before being cut off by the meow of a small brown cat named Daisy.

"ohh daisy..."
you picked up the cat and swung it up into your arms, gently stroking her head. the cat just looked up at you.

"hello! i'm freddie fucking mercury! i sing songs and cancel dates because my schedule is oh so important. i like the finer things in life, ooh tra li la!"
you went off, spinning around the living room, the feline still tucked away in your grasp, imitating the mans voice and the things you were sure he'd say.

but the thing was you knew nothing really about this man. but, besides the point you were a little annoyed.

you set the cat down on the sofa before she quickly scurried away to a new room.

"well since i'm not going out tonight i might as well finish cleaning."
you muttered to yourself, turning up the stereo, to a little local channel that played new pub and college bands.

"this next song is called keep yourself alive by queen!"
the radio dj said before the track started to play beginning with its unforgettable riff.

you began to tap your foot before grabbing the duster.

"queen, hm."
you smiled, liking the sound of this new band.

freddie mercury imagines Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя