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          The house wasn't as I expected it to be. I expected a luxurious gated community with flora and fauna galore. But nope, Olivia's house was just a normal American home if not a little on the expensive side; she had a white picket fence, a stone pathway leading up to a tall wood-paneled house, crystal clear windows scattered throughout, and a small garden out back. It was most everyone's dream. No wonder they envied her. Her door swung open as she smiled at us.

"Glad you could make it, Jackson" Batting her eyelashes in the most annoying way possible, she slowly looked over to me. I could feel her icy blue eyes burning into my soul

"Whos this?" She asks coldly.

Jackson slings his arm around me, his hair flopping over, "Her name is Ember... And she's my plus one."

I groan, mumbling, "I can introduce myself, you know"

          He smirks, pressing his hand against the small of my back. Since when did he act so dominate with me? The warmth from his firm hand slowly spreads throughout by back.

Oliva swung her feathery brown hair over her shoulder,

 "Well, there's no point in standing around. You're a little early, but the keg will be here soon." 

And just like that, we were ushered inside. Looking around the grand house, I add a mental note of all the possible escape routes. Jackson's hand slowly drifts down, resting on my lower back.

"Wow there, hotshot. Cool it" I grumble, shifting away from his touch. This wasn't right. He's my best friend. There was no way he was hitting on me, probably just showing off for some other girl ten times hotter than me. Just as expected, he smiles down at me.

"What, you think I'd make a move on you?"

"No.." He knows I'm lying, I can tell when he burst into laughter. Cheeks growing warm again, my stomach churns.

"Bear, you know I wouldn't do that," he paused, quirking his brow, "Unless you wanted it."

Without knowing why I burst into laughter. His face looks so funny like that! I gaze up at his confused expression, wheezing from lack of air.

"You okay?"

I try to nod, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the food table.

         He plops down into one of her cushioned chairs with some pastry in his hand and I sit next to him. Olivia, still putting up decorations, sneaks glances over at us. At me? Why was she looking at me like that? With cheekbones that could cut diamonds, perfect skin and a natural summer tan, why did she seem to want to rip my head off? I was no competition for her, nor did I want to be. I simply smile and wave. Judging by her disgruntled sigh, she didn't want to be my friend. Jackson strides over to her, leaning against the wall.

"Need any help?"

Olivia wipes on the fakest smile I have ever seen, "Actually yeah, I do."

He looks back, shooting me a wink. As if to say, I'll be back or something. What?

"I need a strong man like you to help me carry some boxes out here. Think you can manage?"

         Once again, I burst out in laughter before meeting her icy cool gaze. Jackson doesn't even like it when his friends flirt like that. If this is how she thinks she'll win him over, good luck girly. I can tell by his grumble that I was right. Nonetheless, he hulls a few boxes out into the living room.

Jackson broke the awkward tension between Olivia and I, "how long do you think until the others get here?"

Olivia perks up, adjusting her tiny skirt. "They should be here anytime!"

         It takes everything in me not to groan. Are all the popular girls really this fucking fake? At least pep down, sweetheart. Jackson, on the other hand, seems to love the attention. I can't blame him. After years of no female other than me giving him the light of day, I could see how he'd jump at any opportunity that came his way. Still, something smelt fishy about this and it wasn't just Olivia's nether regions. I couldn't understand this tugging feeling I had in my chest, or why it just seemed to grow stronger the longer we talked with Olivia. Jealousy? No, I know what jealousy was like.. This wasn't it. And why the sudden hostility towards her? Perhaps I just wasn't in the mood for a party, after all, I was beaten against my wall just hours ago. Whatever it is, I shrug it off. Jackson and I have been looking forward to this moment for years. No feeling was going to ruin it.

          A mind-numbing ring courses throughout the house. Olivia runs to the door, swinging it open. There stood a few of the most popular kids at our school. How in the world where Jackson and I get here again? They stride in with confidence, long black hair cascading down the tallest girl back. There were six of them in total. One of the only guys glanced over at me, smiling to himself. What was his deal? She slings her arm around him, possessively holding him close. I swear, all of these girls are so possessive over the guys. Don't they know that their 'boyfriends' are probably out having uhm.. Fun times, with a thousand of others. Suddenly, a pair of warm, firm hands grip my waist. I yell out, jabbing my elbow back to whoever is there. Jackson cries out as I spun around.

"Hello? What the fuck WAS THAT?" He wore the scent of Vodka like it was perfume. Attempting not to gag, I stare at him waiting for an answer. Not that I really needed one.

"Sorry, Bear.. I thought it would be funny" I accept his lame attempt at an excuse and pull his oversized jean jacket further around me. The smell of sage fills my nose instead. Thank god. I watch as he stumbles off to the kitchen, probably to take more shots.

          As the hours' pass, more and more people flood through the doorway. I've lost count by now, hiding away in the corner of the living room. I watch as people move about, taking shot after shot and a few pairs eagerly rush into any available bedrooms. Messy make-out sessions, blaring music, and blatant fondling. Is this what a high school party is like? Out of nowhere, a guy standing in the doorway meets my eye. Holy hell.. Was he hot. Tall and lanky, sporting a long sleeve shirt and jeans. How can something so casual make someone look so.. Perfect. Perfect in the most rugged and mysterious way. Small nose sitting high upon his face, square jaw, pale skin, dark brown hair framing his face and falling gently around his shoulders. And those eyes, man they looked like an ocean, sprinkled with algae. Wait, was he walking towards me? My heart races, palms getting sweaty as he quickly approaches.

Speaking with a thick Irish accent, he leans against the wall next to me,

"You bored, too?"

I gulp, trying to put together a coherent sentence. A hot guy, talking.. To me. What?

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