Chapter Thirtythree ~ Final Lie

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The damn beeping.

Not fucking again.

What happened? I was on that hill getting my ass handed to me by spider-bitch... then Lucy showed up. Were there others? God maybe? Who cares.

I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't.

I couldn't move or speak ether. It felt alien. I felt like I didn't have a body but I can hear the heart monitor. The repetition temped me back to sleep but voices alerted me.

"Three days now. The doctors are saying it could be a coma."

"Okay. You can stop talking now..."

It was Libby and Greed.

"I'm just saying. It's not anything your not used to." Greed grumbled. With the sound I'm assuming Libby gently punched him.

"Elly isn't getting better ether. It's strange calling her that but after everything Ark confessed to, it is her real name." Libby sighed. Elly? She's not okay?!

"I can't believe both of them were being blackmailed." Greed laughed a little bit. "Fucking idiots."

I'm going to punch him later.

"Go easy. There's a lot we probably don't know. We should head out. It's getting late."

"I suppose so. Lucy said she would check on him in the morning. Lust is home now so we can always check on her before we split up."

"Sounds like a game plan!" I heard the two banter as they left. I was left alone to my beeps.

The fucking beeps.

I eventually fell asleep uneasy.


When I woke up I felt different then the day before. The first thing I did was open my eyes. The florescent lights burned into the back of my skull and I tried to react but it only came out as a squeak. My whole body suddenly burst into pain as my nerves woke up. The air in my lungs was knocked from my chest as my hole body smacked into a wall of pain. I reflexively tightened my muscles but that only increased the burning.  I sat up suddenly and my vision was blurry. The walls were the same bland white as always but there was a voice.

It was impossible to make out. I fell backwards and gasped for air. I closed my eyes and tried to rationalize the pain. I couldn't hear anything and everything was spinning. I heard talking and I knew people were moving around. I didn't care.

I felt a tiny pinch in my shoulder but I almost missed it. There was a pressure in my arm but it went away. An aching was left but after who knows how long of existing on pain and blindness, I could function again.

I felt numb instead of pain. I was so loopy...

"Devin? Are you okay?" I slowly opened my eyes and turned to Lucy. I could only keep them half open.

"I have no idea... what's happening." I almost slurred my words.

"Oh thank god." She looked so relived. I felt her hand grab mine. "They game you some serious pain killers. Your going to be out of it for a while."

"I can tell." I closed my eyes and tried to focus. "The ward?"

"Yes" She was looking at my hand.

"Am I okay?" My eyes slipped shut.

"No. You almost died." I heard her voice shake.


"You were out for four days now. Demons heal faster then humans but your going to be in here for a while still. They had to stitch every part of your body. The holes were left alone because your a demon. They will heal unlike humans." I only half understood what she was saying.

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