pregnant part 2

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You stood in the mirror, looking at yourself and feeling kind of down. You didn't know what it was but you just felt a little sick.
For the past few days, you'd been more tired than you ever thought you could be. Your back hurt and you just didn't feel like yourself anymore.
It had been about eight and a half months since you and Colby had found out you were pregnant. You were excited but as the day came closer you couldn't help but feel nervous. You had all the baby clothes picked out but they were still in boxes because you didn't have a room ready for the baby yet.
You and Colby had moved out about six months after you found out. You now lived in a little two bedroom apartment a few miles from the traphouse. It was the perfect home for you two and you were still close enough to everyone to hang out.
Colby passed the bathroom and came back to the doorway after a second. He watched you looking at yourself in the mirror and looking at your belly for a minute before he came up behind you.
He gently wrapped his arms around your stomach, careful not to hurt you or the baby. He kissed your cheek.
"You alright?" You frown a little and shrug slightly.
"I'm so scared for this Colby."
He looks at you in the mirror.
"What if I'm not a good mom to her?"
"What makes you say that?"
Really, you have no idea. You feel like you've already failed because you hardly had anything ready. You hadn't even bought a crib yet.
"You're gonna be a great mom. I know it seems scary but I'm gonna be right by your side. Don't worry baby."
You smile at him before shutting off the bathroom light and going into the kitchen. He follows you and goes to the fridge, getting out a Tupperware container of leftover salad and a fork. He sits on the counter and starts eating the salad.
You grab an apple and lean against the counter across from Colby and eat it. It's quiet for a few minutes as you both sit and think about the situation.
Through a mouthful of food, Colby starts to talk.
"I called Kat last night and she said that she wanted to take you shopping for the day while I have Jake and Sam come over to help set up the nursery."
You squint your eyes suspiciously.
"But we don't have anything to decorate with yet?"
"I did some shopping last night while you were asleep. Like a lot of shopping. I gotta go pick up the stuff in store and bring it home."
You smile at him, surprised that he would do this for you.
"Anyway, Kat's gonna take you out for the day while we do that. I have it all planned out already," he says, chewing a big forkful of salad.
"Thanks Colbs. It means a lot to me."
He gives a big smile and a thumbs up since his mouth was full. You laugh.
"When's she coming to get me?"
"In about an hour." You throw out the apple core and go get ready.
You throw on a big hoodie of Colby's to kind of hide your stomach and a pair of black leggings. You put on an old pair of vans before putting your hair up in a big messy bun that was somehow pretty cute. You wash your face before quickly doing eyeliner and mascara. You put on some lip gloss and then some earrings you liked.

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