Camp Camp David x Child Reader P2

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(A/N I'm gonna try a different way of writing let me know if you like it or not kay?)

That was two weeks ago.

David was literally the coolest person you've ever met! He just like... gets you y'know? The way he knows not to talk you you when you have headphones in, and how he just waves with a smile instead. Or how he has a love for scary stories just like you, even if his are for around a campfire and yours are written by Steven King.

He is fun and talkative and makes you come out of your shell, even if you don't want to. But, now the new camper has arrived. And you will be shoved in a tent with a gross hormonal teenager. And this one is even more gross then the other kids!

His name is Jermy. Jermy Fartz. He reeks of B.O and is always covers in a thin layer of sweat. His hair is DISGUSTING. Does he know that shampoo can fix that? He is the embodiment of a neckbeard. He brings his little comic books and such and always talks about how he treats girls/boys like princesses/princes and how lucky any girl/guy would be to date him.

Let's rewind a bit yeah?

This morning you were woken up by the sound of the bus coming up the dirt trail. Seconds later David bursts in the cabin with his usual happy go luck smile. "Y/N! Good morning rise and shine," he says while dragging you off the couch. "Today is the day you finally be settled in a tent like a true camper! Your new tent mate is here!"

And there is Jermy. Standing in front of your shared tent. In all of his disgusting teenage neckbeard glory. You turn to David and look at him with a "Eww" face. His smile falters a bit and you can see in his eyes he doesn't really like this kid either.

"Be nice Y/N..."

He whispers. You turn and wave at Jermy. "Hey... Buddy..." You try to sound enthusiastic.

"Hello M'lady/Mister." He replies.

. . . What the fuck did he just call you?

"Oh, no need for that. Just call me Y/N." You explain.

And then there was an awkward silence as Jermy looked you up and down as if you were a piece of art in a museum. You look up at David, pleading with you eyes that he saves you.

"Well, uhh... Y/N how about you and I go get your stuff from the cabin, while Jermy here gets his stuff settled in the tent?"

And with that David grabs your hand and turns around, walking away rather quickly.

"Okay Y/N I know he seems off but never judge a book by its cover! Stay positive!" David says while opening the cabin door. You look at him and roll your eyes. You reluctantly pack up your books, clothes, and mp3 then head to the tent to set up your side.

His stuff. Is EVERYWHERE. You push it all to his side and set up a little cot for yourself in the corner. After all, you want to be as far away from this guy as possible. You don't need much space seeing as you aren't morbidly obese like Jermy. Once your done you walk out to join your new "friend" and partner for the club activities for the day.

Today's whole deal was about communication. Teach your partner how to do something that you do on an everyday basis. You didn't do much but decided that you'd share on of Davids more bone chilling ghost stories. This is the one that actually kept you up at night. The one about the bone man. A man eating monster that takes everything except the bones. He spells out his victims name for the next victim to find, then he eats them and so on.

Everything would have been fine if Jermy would stop interrupting you and critiquing the story. "Why is it The bone man if it's a monster? It would have made more sense if he ate the bone since he's the bone man."
Yadda Yadda Yadda. Afterward it was his turn to read you the first six books in his favorite Manga series. It took forever and you kept dozing off because the story line was so repetitive. Eventually after literally 6 hours he was finished and it was time for dinner.

You walk into the Mess Hall looking dead and beat. You just wanted some nice food and to go to bed. You walk over to the councillors table and steal some of the food from Davids plate since everything here tastes like shit.

"How did it go?" He asked.

The look in your eyes said it all.

"I want. To sleep."

"Well... It's your first night in the tent! Fun!"


He sighs and hugs you.

"I know. Just... try to stay happy for the time being okay?"

You grin because you can't help it. If it's for David of course you'll stay happy.

"Alright David."

*Time skip.*

After dinner and the camp fire all campers get a little bit of free time to themselves. You spent all that time staying away from Jermy. You go and sit by the lake and decide to read The Shining by Stephen King and chill with the camp mascot. The platypus eventually wanders off into the lake and everyone is called to their tents.

The whistle blows to signal everyone to come back to the camp ground. You stand by David like you do everyday because you always had to follow him back to the cabin. But now you have a tent.

"Y/N. Time to go to bed. You have a tent now, remember?"

"David please don't tell me you're actually going to make me sleep in the same place as that freak. He's gross and he makes me uncomfortable."

You whine.

"Y/N." He says with a stern voice. "Campers sleep in tents. I know you've been getting a bit of special treatment for the past two weeks but you are still a camper."

You glare at him and stomp off to your tent.

When you walk in, Jermy has a flashlight on and is reading his manga.

"Dude, c'mon will you turn that off? We are supposed to be asleep."

"Don't use the word "dude". It's not very ladylike."

You look at him. Did this bitch seriously..?

"Don't assume that all girls have to be ladylike you sexist, obese, sack of poorly packaged horse shit."

And with that you flop in the sleeping bag and slowly drift to sleep. That is until you were rudely awoken by the flashlight being turned off and tossed on top of you. You jump awake.

"Are you fucking kidding me dude?"

All he gave you was a lame "Sorry."

So you try to fall asleep again, and it's already a bit difficult because now you're agitated. Just as you're about to fall asleep you hear a very loud snore come from Jermy.

"Okay that's it." You say to yourself as you pick up everything you own from the tent and walk outside into the pouring rain. You stomp over the the cabin door and kick it repeatedly until a tired David opens the door and looks down.

"Y/N..? What a-"

"David I can't sleep. I put up with his stupid manga thing for six hours today. He stayed up for another hour and a half with an annoying flashlight to read his manga again. He then threw the flashlight on me and barely apologized. And just as I was about to fall asleep he started snoring so loud that he might as well take Thor's place as the god of thunder. It it 2:45 am and I'm sleeping in the cabin."

He looks at you and sighs, stepping aside and welcoming you back where you belong.

"I'm sorry for making you put up with him, I thought that maybe if you just gave him a chance you would start to like him."

"David there are 7 billion people on this planet, not everyone has to like Jermy Fartz."

He chuckles a bit and nods.

"Yeah I guess. Do you want me to get the blankets back so you can crash on the couch?"

"Yes please I would like that very much."

David walks over to the closet and gets the blankets. He brings them over and tucks you in all warm and snug, then leans down to plant a kiss on your forehead.

"Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight David."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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