Chapter 7

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I woke up to someone shaking me and calling my name. "Katie, Katie!" It sounded like Nialls voice. My head was pounding from some un known reason. I open my eyes and see Niall standing over me. 

"What-What's going on? How long was I asleep for and why is my head pounding?" I ask frantically. 

"Holy shit." Niall says and pulls me into a hug. 

"What is going on?" I say as I pull myself on to my couch. 

"Katie I told you something, something really important and then you passed out, you've been out for about 15 minutes, do you remember what I told you?" he asks kneeling in front of me. 

"You-I-you lying cheating son of a bitch!" I yell at him it all coming back to me. "You told me you had a two year old daughter named Ali!" he flinches at my sudden outburst. 

"Look Katie I-"

"Shut up Niall! Shut the fuck up! I am so tired of you and I am going to do everything I can to try and get new divorce papers, cause I am done- we are done! For good, now get the hell out of my house!" Niall starts to say something but I put my hand up and stop him. He sighs and walks out the door. As soon as the door closes I break down and cry.


After lord knows how long of crying I pick up my phone and call someone. He picks up on the second ring. "Z-Zayn? I really need someone right now." I say cry into the phone. 

"Katie? What's wrong love?" he says and I hear shuffling in the background. 

"Niall, he-I need you right now." I say and begin to cry even harder. 

"Okay, I'll leave now, but I have to bring Mia with me, Perrie had to leave about an hour ago, her brothers wife is having the baby and she wanted to be there, I told her I would meet her tomorrow." he says and I nod even though he could'nt see me. 

"Please hurry." I whisper before hanging up. 

Around 15 minutes later I heard the front door open then close. I was thankful that I had left it unlocked, not wanting to get up. Zayn walks into the living room with a large bag and Mia in his arms.

"She's sleeping where can I put here?" he asks. 

"I would say with Syd, but I don't want to wake her so just put her in my bed for now." I tell him, he nod and quickly walks toward the direction of my room. He's back in about two minutes with out the bag and now dressed in sweats and a t-shirt. 

"Katie, what happened?" he asks as he walks over and sits next to me, pulling me into him and I begin to cry again. 

"Niall has another daughter who's two." I say between my cries. 

"What?" Zayn says, I begin to explain everything and he looks more angier by the second. "I'm going to kill him." he says as he balls up his fists. 

"Zayn no, this is my battle. I shouldn't even be telling you this." I say and sniffle. 

"Perrie and I aren't going through the best of times right now." he says after a few minutes.

"What?" I question and look over at him. 

"We have been fighting a lot lately." he says. "Especially after the miscarriage we lost that spark you know?" he says. "But I think I got that spark back, but not with Perrie." 


"But with you." he finishes and I gasp.

"Zayn I don't know what to say."

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