and you're dead

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word count;280_"Shut up with the wailing," a bald brawny looking man seated on a chair shouted in annoyance

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word count;280
"Shut up with the wailing," a bald brawny looking man seated on a chair shouted in annoyance.

Well I mean if you were in the same situation, you'd be doing the same goddamn thing.

I thought irritatedly while glaring at the man.

I turned back to look at the young and scared looking girls in front of me. They looked so terrified and confused with the whole situation, some were even close to passing out. We were sitting inside an egnormous lorry, there were about 20 girls inside here including me. There were two bulky men guarding all of us, the annoying bald guy and the scarred face, incase we were up to any shenanigans.

Mr scar face took a glance at his watch, sighing in annoyance, and banged the enclosed walls. I felt the lorry speed up. Soon after, I fell asleep.

"Everybody wake up!" a loud voice boomed, causing me to jerk awake. I stretched my arms- oh wait I can't, they're tied up.

The two men started to escort us into this huge mansion.

Entering the mansion, I looked around and examined the area. There was a spiral staircase in front of us leading to the second floor and above. I realized the second floor had rooms.

I wonder what they're for.

The two men pushed us all to the ground, Scar face took out a walkie-talkie and started speaking an unfamiliar language.

Suddenly, a man wearing a guy fawkes mask walked down the stairs. He looked at the man, who I assumed was driving the lorry we were on, and shook his head. Out of nowhere, he pulled out a gun and shot him in the head 3 times, killing him.

"Just like that, and you're dead" he said.

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