Chapter 10: Betrayal

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Their suddenly flying through the inter workings of Aperture.

"Whoa! Geoff told me to never do this either! it's so bloody fun though!"

Michael only smiles.

"Oh man, this is taking us right to him. He's going to be so surprised when nothing works!"

"Thanks to us." He intertwines their fingers. Gavin smiles, and squeezes his hand. They let go only to look around.

"Ack!" Michael's head whips around, only to find Gavin going the wrong way.


"It's fine! keep going! ill get there!" The feeling of being alone over takes him, and he hates it.

He's thrown through a tube and can no longer see the robot.


Michael is spit out at an odd angle, falling on his hands and knees. He stands and takes a moment to look around. Everything has been fixed up and it seems the facility is back in order.

He's about to speak when he realizes there's no one to hear him. Across the way is a room. But the only way in is a portal surface. He knows its a trap. It's his only way in though and he takes it. Landing safety on his feet.

"If I knew you'd fall for that I would have just set some pizza out and a net." Ryan's voice echoes in the tiny room. The room collapsing in on its self and the floor opening up.

Michael lands in a glass container, it slides foreword . Panels open up in front of him. Ryan floats on his stand. The machine attached to him keeping him up.

"I do hope you have a better plan then last time you pest."

Michael glares up at Ryan. "I sure do"

"Wow. You actually spoke to me. That's a rare occurrence. Where's your little broken friend?"

He keeps his mouth shut this time and starts looking for a way out.

"Look there's no way to escape except for death. So why don't I help you out" turrets land in front of the tank. He smiles at Ryan as he sees the turrets are the defective ones.

"Oh, you little pest" Ryan growls. "Fine. Take a deep breath. You'll need it" the tube floats in and Michael hears familiar yelps.

"Hello!" Gavin lands in the chamber, his hard body breaking the glass and setting them free.

"You two were busy back there"

Michael helps the robot up and whispers. "Now what?"

"Plug me in."

"Core Corruption at 89%. Alternative core detected." The announcer voice says.

"No way" Ryan spins around to look at the ceiling, as if the owner of the voice is held there.

Michael grabs Gavin's hand and runs him over to the chair. The robot sits in it.

"Corrupted core are you ready for a core transfer"

"No" Ryan says defiantly.

"Stalemate detected"

"No!" Gavin looks to him. "Pull me out! get me out of here!"

"Stale mate resolution Associate, Are you ready to press the button?"

"Yes!" Michael answers.

"Leave me in!" Gavin contradicts.

"You have to be an employe to press that button. Your not qualified" Ryan turns to him.

Michael is already running to the button as a black panel lifts up and flings him across the room. He hits the back wall and picks himself up again.

"Not so fast, pest"

He runs agains shooting portals as he jumps in one and is flung next to the button. His palm collides with it.

"Stalemate resolved."

Ryan lets out a screech. The panels beneath the AI's perch opened and closed around him. Gavin disappeared with a smile into the floor.

"I hope your happy tin can."

"I am" Gavin screams in pain. The panels opened and Gavin is in the perch. "Bloody hell!" Gavin let out a laugh as Ryan was thrown to the floor. His body looked lifeless.

"This is amazing! I'm so big!" Gavin looked down to Michael "your so small!" he smiled back up to the robot.

"Mind getting us out of here?"

"Right! calling a lift! and" an elevator floated up and into place for him. "Lift called!" Michael walked in smiling. Finally leaving this wretched place behind. "It's not just me right? I'm gigantic!"

"You are pretty big"

"Je suis un nanana! I have no idea what that means! I'm in control of everything!" The elevator doors clicked shut and he was slowly being carried upwards.

Gavin let out a cheerful laugh, but as he looked around it turned dark and cold. The robots eyes changed to red, the heart monitor darkening. Spindles of red (what Michael could only say was corruption) crackling off down his cheeks from his eyes.

"Actually Why do we have to go right now?"

The elevator stopped. "Gavin" Michael said with a warning tone.

"No" the answer sent a shiver down his spine. It was a dark response, it didn't even sound like Gavin. The elevator began to float back down. "I've been doing all the work. And all you've done is boss me around."

Ryan's lifeless body suddenly rose. Blue piercing eyes glaring at Gavin. "You did all the work? Michael did everything"

"That's what you both think, eh?"

"No, Gavin-"

"Shut up!" Gavin snapped. "It was always about you. How come. You never kissed me first, hmm? Riddle me that. I'll teach you to respect me."

Ryan was just sitting up fully when a claw snatched his body up and pulled him into the panel bellow Gavin. "Your always bossing me around. Well now who is the boss? It's me"

Michael could feel his heart breaking in his chest. "Gavin I never. I'm sorry. Please"

"Your only apologizing because your scared"

"No I-" a bell chimed.

"Ah!" the claw reached down and plucked a cube from the depths. "See this. It's Ryan."

"Put me down!" the cube growled.

"It's a testing object and now he lives in it. Irony is cruel."

"Face it, tin can. Your an idiot."

"No. I'm the one who got us out!" Michael could feel something warm on his cheek and he realized it was a tear.

"Gavin please!"

"IM NOT AN IDIOT" the cube came crashing through the glass elevator. "IF IM SUCH AND IDIOT COULD I DO THIS, HUH?!"

The elevator shook as a claw hit the top. "GAVIN PLEASE" Michael was getting desperate now, Tears running down his face.

"COULD AN IDIOT PUNCH YOU DOWN A HOLE" the last thing Michael saw before the elevator gave out was Gavin glaring down at him, hurt and suffering gathering in small tears. Then he was falling.

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