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I walked through the sea of tortured bodies. Their struggle to pick themselves up was favorite thing to watch. Bones crunched beneath my feet, as I finally made it to the archway.

A black hole laid before me, a hole that will take me to the human world. There I will complete my mission. Find the perfect human to kill, an capture its soul for my pet.

Then I can take my rightful place as deaths son. An I can become hate.

Without a single care, I took a large step. Falling into the dark abyss.


Loud beeping noises flooded my senses. What is that annoying sound! I looked around an saw many strange boxes with wheels. "HEY OUT GET OUT OF THE ROAD"!! someone yelled. There are people inside those those things? I looked down, it seemed as if I'm standing in it trail. I turned an walked towards towering buildings, where it seemed hundreds of people were walking along smaller paths. Things sure have changed since the 1700s.

People shoved past me irritating me even more than I already was. I had only gotten down a street, by the time I was ready to end all their lives. My eyes flickered around on hatred wondering which head to rip off, when I saw a girl. Beautiful, fragile, and small she was perfect.

In love with hateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora