An you are

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Ellie's POV

I stood outside the bookstore, taking in the toxic fumes, scurrying people and rude taxi drivers. Gotta love New York.

I walked my usual path to the apartment complex, taking shortcuts through dark alleys where people were probably killed. But hey it's a shortcut.

A strange feeling overwhelmed me, I kept glancing back but there was nothing to see. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

"Hello sweetheart" a deep voice sounded behind me, rising every hair in my neck. Run my senses screamed, but me being me listened to that small voice that said stay.

I slowly turned around to look at the man, an instantly regretted it. His frost blue eyes had a tinge of red in them, and his hair was midnight black, but that's not the scary part. His crooked smile revealed that every one of his teeth, were razor sharp. His knuckles had tiny, but in no doubt painful claws sticking out of them. (Like wolverine).

Within seconds my back was in contact with a wall, my feet dangling a little off the ground. He had to where he the only thing other than the wall that supported my weight. Fear was practically radiating off me, is he a vampire? No, he can't be.

I don't know what possed me to ask but I did.

"W-what are you?" I gulped as the demonic creature pinned me to the wall. He leaned in an nibbled my ear, before saying. "Oh sweetheart, I'm your worst nightmare".

I don't even think I was breathing after that, I was just frozen in fear. His smirked grew when he saw my terror. So he's my worst nightmare, well surely he outranks my other nightmares. "what's your name sweetheart" he asked evilly, still pinning against the hard scratchy brick wall. If I don't answer what's the worse he could do? Ok a lot of things, "Ellie" I whispered.

"Ellie" he purred, staring at me. Creep alert!

We stayed that way for a few minutes, before I broke the unruly silence. "An yours is" I prompted. He seemed to contemplate that question before answering "Zeke, the demon of hate".

Oh great some people get hot models, the captain of the football team, but no I get the demon of hate.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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