Chapter 22

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Panem High Chapter 22
Finnick's POV

Were all in the living room of Annie and Glimmers room. Annie, Glimmer, Johanna, Clove and Delly are on the couch and the rest if us sitting in the floor with beanbags. I'm sitting next to Peeta and Marvel. Cato's on the other side of Peeta. We're watching the interviews as it wasn't just Katniss being interviewed. She's on at 5 and it's 4:55 now.

"Five minutes!" Annie squeals excitedly.

"Now, next up is a girl who you all know too well! She comes here quite often and holds the Hunger Games record! You all know her as the Girl On Fire! Please welcome, Katniss Everdeen! Victor of the 70th Hunger Games Quarter Quell at aged Twelve!" Ceasar says standing.

The audience screams with applause. Katniss walks on from the left. She's smiling as she walks over to Ceasar. They hug and kiss each others cheeks before siting down.

"Well hello Katniss! We haven't seen you on this stage for a while" Ceasar exclaims.

"Yes, I've been having troubles at home" she replies.

"Right, I'm sorry to hear. Anyway, why have you come back?"

"My boss actually ring me yesterday lunch time asking me to come back for interviews!" Katniss says.

"Well we love your boss! Now, may we ask a personal question?" Ceasar asks.

"Go ahead!" She laughs.

"Now I know lots of people; boys in particular our age and a year older, want to know if you have a special boy?"

She laughs. "Well I'm glad people want to know, especially boys! But no, I don't" she says smiling.

"I don't believe that face for a minute! Katniss tells us!"

"I don't!" She says laughing.

"Katniss, tell me. Is there a special boy back home?"


"Okay, changing the subject, now, we've all heard you had made a deal with Plutarch and Snow before you had them arrested. Am I right?" Ceasar questions.

Katniss nods.

"And that was, if you married someone straight after high school then would be able to quit the job, but! Your uncle has to choose!"

Katniss laughs. "Yes Ceasar"

"Now, has your uncle chosen?" He questions.

Katniss nods. "Yes, he has"

"And who might that be?"

"A boy from my home where I'm currently living with my auntie and sister" Katniss says.

"Ooohh! Give us some de-tails!" Ceasar exclaims.

"Oh, why don't we get the man up here himself?" She laughs looking into the crowd.

"Oh why don't we!" Ceasar agrees.

Katniss get up and walks to the audience the leads Haymitch up. He's dressed in a grey suit.

"Please welcome, Haymitch Abernathy! Vicomte of the 56th Hunger Games!" Ceasar shouts.

They a sit.

"So come on! Give us the de-tails!"

"Ahh, well I know him well as the Baker Boy! But Katniss knows him as Peeta Mellark" Haymitch explains.

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