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[chapter ii]


"Zada, wake up!" I felt his hand on my arm as he started to shake me.

"Mmn, leave me alone." I brushed him off. I don't get enough sleep as it is because of my nagging ass parents. He's literally making it no better than when he's not here.

"Your parents are here. Get up!" He uttered harshly.

I heavily sighed as I shot upright, getting out of bed. He quickly put on a new set of clothes while I wiped the crust from my eyes. 

"Oh, wait. Come here real fast." I plucked my foundation off the dresser and applied it to the still visible black eye. 

"Are you walking with me to school?"

"Yeah, just wait for me." I helped him open the window and I could practically hear his heart beat out of his chest. I remember the last time he got caught leaving and he got in trouble with his dad as well as me with my father.

He jumped from the tree to the ground, landing on the balls of his feet.

Once I saw him land safely I calmly traveled around the room, scrounging for clothes and a pair of shoes. It took me almost thirty minutes to get ready and it was then that I became full-on irritated. Not only am I not a morning person, but loud talking is really offsetting at times like this. There are a lot of aspects of what I like and don't like at the wee hours of the morning.

"Zada, wake up or you'll be late for school, honey!" A knock on the door and an incredibly loud voice.

I restlessly sigh. "I'm up, dad! I'll be out in a second!"

I put on the second earring and slung my backpack onto my shoulder before opening the bedroom door.

"Your mother made breakfast."

"I think I'll eat at school, thanks." I declined as nicely as possible and tried to leave but he called me back.

His tone was nice and gentle but behind that was a burdensome beast. "Zada, your mother took some time out to make you breakfast. Don't waste food."

"I don't wanna eat, though. You can't make me eat if I don't want to."

"Listen, young lady. You do as I say. I'm the parent and you're the what?" He looked at me as he waited for me to reply.

"A young adult that knows how to make her own decisions. Now, I'm gonna be late for school."

The door slammed shut behind my father who proceeded to the car. I raised an eyebrow. "Dad, what are you doing?"

"What do you mean what am I doing, I'm taking you to school." He opened the car door.

I swallowed, well aware that he wouldn't like what I said. "Dad, I'm walking with Prince to school."

"Good morning, Mr. Wilson." With a thin smile on his face, he plodded next to me. My father glared at me as if he had been backstabbed. He had often told me that he didn't want me around him but I went behind him and did it anyway. In my opinion, he was over exaggerating. There was no need for him to not like Prince. He was well put together, he had manners and didn't cause any trouble. Sure, he may be getting me grounded right now but it wasn't his fault. It was my dad's fault because he couldn't see past his demanding ways. See, in his mind, he had everything set. What's supposed to happen, what's something supposed to be like, how you're supposed to do it when you're supposed to do it...personally, I didn't operate like that. I felt like everything that was taking place was intentionally planned by the one and only God and the last time I checked, my father wasn't God.

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