Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Playing with balls or somethin' a little more...

It was bright and sunny. I did my usual morning routine. Now I was doing my runs to keep fit. I wasn't fat, but I definitely wasn't skinny either. A mix that confronted me on a day to day basis.

I rounded the corner to my high school. I heard the sound of a basketball thumping against the ground, vibrating under my soles. I dared to check it out.

What I saw wasn't the norm. Normally you'd find high school kids wrestling for the ball, practicing passes for their game. I saw huge men racing for the ball.

I clutched the fence with my fingers. The fence is what kept the outside life from interfering with their game, and they seemed to be preoccupied; laughing and shooting obscenities at each other. Too distracted to notice my presence.

Finally, someone took notice. Their attention went from their light wrestling for ball to eyeing me with curiosity.

"Whatcha want, kid?" Called one of them. From this distance I couldn't pick out who said it.

I cautiously walked over to where the fence ended. I just stood outside waiting for them to shoo me away. But they didn't.

"You seemed infatuated by our game. Almost interested."

"Oh no, I don't usually play," was all I could say between my dry lips. I needed water.

One of them rolled their eyes. "Well then, whatcha doin' spyin' on us?"

"Uh...I. um--" this was going terrible.

"Leave him alone, Jay. He said he doesn't play. And maybe he thought our game was interesting. Hence why he was 'spying'."

My eyes fell on the guy who cleared the air; got his friend off my back. I didn't know why that gave me a warm feeling.

"What's your name?" Asked such guy.


"Um Myles?" He chuckled.

I blushed in embarrassment. God help me. "No. Just Myles. Only Myles. Myles."

"Well, Myles," he walked over to me and held out his hand, "I'm Alex. And over there is my friend, Jason."

I nodded and shook Alex's hand. It was firm yet had a gentle grip. And his hand was really warm. I pulled my hand back almost immediately, thinking I overstepped or something.

Right, they had a game to play.

", I'm sorry for interrupting your game."

Alex chuckled. He had a nice chuckle. He also had nice hair. Nice dark black hair that hung low in bangs on his forehead. Damn. "So, I'm gonna head back now. To my game."

"R-Right," I stammered back. I couldn't speak proper English today. What a bummer.

"See you 'round, Myles." Alex said before returning to his game.

I shook out of my trance and began to run back home. I got back and showered away the sweat from my run. I also forced away the thoughts from my encounter with...what was his name again? I got out and threw on a pair of clean shorts and a button up blue shirt. Those men looked like they could be in college, the ones I 'ran' into playing their game. But I could be wrong. I wonder if they were brothers. They certainly had a few common traits---what the hell am I saying? Thinking?

Snap out of it, Myles. Get a fucking grip!

After my mini meltdown I headed down for lunch. I found myself gulping back gallons of water and breathing out deeply to restore oxygen. God-fucking-damnit.

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