🌝-first murder🔪

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He made me uwu a lot, thank you for joining me in this Motel.

As they all got their keys and their rooms they went straight to the lounge room. Because who the fuck slept?

It was around 3 am, And most were assumed to be dead.

As they all split up once they got tired they left one behind, asleep. In the bathtub.

As they left, the killer stayed behind. His hair covering his eyes and a wide maniatic smile on his lips. In his hand was a sparkly pink pocket knife. (Demons a twink ayo). He slowly went into the bathroom.
Seeing The boy laid peacefully asleep in the bathtub. He crept up to him and poked him awake. As the boy looked up with sleepy puppy dog eyes he smiled, of course it was just his friend? Never possibly the cause of his painful death. As he noticed the younger boy straddling his lap, they slowly made out. In a disgusting bathroom that looked like it was from saw. Who's the one who has a knife kink hm..?
The eldest boy allowed the younger to cut him up as much as he wanted as long as his lips kept bring on his neck. What he didn't notice was the symbols he was drawing on his skin.

Bitch just brought out this gay sassy demon while trying to get some dick and the other didn't even know.

As the youngest hand slowly reached to the others hand, choking him. And not in the kinky one, the eldest noticed what the other was doing.

He was dying today, one way or another.

His eyes started to get water as his face slowly got red as he still let out quiet choked out moans, from pain. His chest and stomach was mostly cut. But not for long.
The killer, started to slowly peel off his skin.. His fingers starting to get full of innocent boys blood..his dick was deep inside his ass so the elder didn't give a fuck. He let out soft sobs as he held the other closer to him.

"Stop..you're hurting me.."

The killer smirks, placing the pocket knife up to the bleeding boys lips as the other licks it up.  Not knowing the other was slowly reaching back and into his pocket to stab into his heart. As he unexpectedly stabbed into it the other starred up at him..already lifeless as the minutes passed. The cutting obsessed boy laughed, He slowly shut the others eyes closed, made sure his mouth wasn't open and also wipped his tears. Fixing him up, the demon wouldn't be happy to see another disturbing and ugly death.

As the boy walked out, he left the pocket knife next to him and in his hand. The boy naked, fucked, and dead but pretty and the killer balls fucking naked.

Y'all talk down here uwu, Detectives gots to try and use the hints to figure shit out.

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