🌝-second murder🔪

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"Kill the murderer."

A few weeks later on, The boy was in his room drawing bongo cats. He was a lil cutie while he wasn't exactly being blackmailed into killing.
The dead boys smell was still on his clothes, the whole place smelled like blood and like rotting death.
He took a deep breath as he kept on spraying air freshener all of the place. he sighed softly.
"God I should've just let him kill me..at least I wouldn't have to suffer being trapped in this room with a rotting dead person. Though he still weirdly looks cute..even if he's fucking purple.." he looked over at the body in the restroom.
He failed to miss Seungcheol moving, as he looked away he also failed to notice that his body was going back to its normal colour and the boy was fucking alive again. As he looked up at the boy who once killed him he smiled a bit. Getting up slowly and pulling the knife out of him, and Biting his lip he slowly spook.
"Missed me..lover boy..?" His voice was hug her than normal but still his.
Ten slowly looked up before freaking out inside. "Hey prince." He talked as if he wasn't scared and as if this was normal. The dead wasn't supposed to fucking relive (y'all can thank the angels for this shit)
As the other walked to him and slapped him, glaring. "What the Fuck- why would you kill me?" He mumbled. "I fucKing let your dick be in my ass and you kill me?!" He finally yelled, the other freezing as he just let him yell and randomly stab him. It wasn't like he wanted to die, but at least he won't have to smell death anymore. He slowly bled out, as the other grabbed the gun that was hiding under him in the tub and shooting straight at his head, gagging softly as he sees the boys brains out. "Fuck that's disgusting..oh well!" He giggled as he than slowly poked his eyes out, With a fucking fork putting them in a jar. There goes my mans beautiful face. As he did that he chopped his dick off. "That's for killing me right after you fucked me." He glared at the body before dragging him out, the door magically opening as he did. He dropped his ass in the pool.  "Goodnight. My jobs done."
He sighed out.

I couldn't give him a very gross death- or else I'd be grossed out my own self. And i just don't have the energy or anything left in me to do it either. Wooo depression is lovely. I'm sorry it's not kinky and that's it's honestly disappointing. The next one will be better I promise! I'm so sorry..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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