Chapter 11

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Niall’s POV

“Rinnah wake up! Zayn!”

After several times of trying, Zayn woke up. We decided to let Rinnah sleep. Zayn picked her up bridal style and headed for the door.

We bid Ed goodbye and went out too. We agreed that we won’t tell Rinnah and Zayn about their picture. Apparently, some fans saw Lou’s tweet and the picture is now all over the net. Zayn will eventually find it out. Our fans are like trending machines. #MysteriousGirl and #Zerrie’sOver are now Worldwide Trends. We learned from Harry that Perrie and Zayn broke up yesterday. We dropped Eleanor and Danielle to their respective flats on our way home.

As we piled out of the car, Zayn brought Rinnah to her room and tucked her in.

“I need everyone in the living room.NOW!” We all froze as we heard Zayn shouted those words. Good thing the rooms upstairs are sound proof so Rinnah won’t hear him. We all went to the living room and sat at the couch. Zayn never acted like this. He was always the calm one when we have problems. But when you see him right now, you’ll think you don’t know him.

“Is there something you want to tell me lads?” He stood in front of us, his arms are crossed over his chest and taps his foot impatiently.

We shook our heads and murmured “nothing” under our breaths. Zayn was really fuming. I could feel Louis tensed up a bit.

“It’smyfault.IforgotaboutRinnah’ssituationandtweetedapictureofthetwoofyousleepingpeacefullyatEd’shouse. ButIdeleteditafterafewseconds. Somefanssawitandisnowalloverthenet. I didn’t mean to Zayn. I’m really sorry. I’ll be the one who’ll tell Rinnah about this.” Louis explained, running a hand through his brown hair. I hope Zayn understood what he said.

“No! We won’t tell Rinnah about this. No one will tell her about this, got it?” Zayn said, trying to control his temper. I know that it’s not the only issue we are going to talk about. Everyone now thinks Zerrie is over. Although it is true, Perrie and Zayn will face a bigger problem. This is a bad publicity for all of us. The management will not be happy about this.

After a few minutes of silence, Zayn got a call from Perrie. Apparently, the management called Perrie and asked her if any of this is true. She denied it and said that Rinnah is just our close friend. To prove that they are still dating, they will go out on a date tomorrow just to convince the public and let the issue go.

I saw that Liam is busy with his phone. He’s BUSY tweeting our fans.

@Real_Liam_Payne: Had a great day hanging out with the lads and some of our closest friends. Might tweet some pics later. x

I did the same. I fished my phone out from my pocket and tweeted:

@NiallOfficial: today was a blast. Messed with @zaynmalik earlier.ahaha. I’m off to bed. Adios mi amigos!

I checked my mentions and a lot of them was asking if Zerrie is really over. I turned off my phone.

“Let’s now all go to bed. We had a very long day and seemed that all of us are tired. Just remember that no one will tell Rinnah about this.” Zayn said and went to our room.

*Meanwhile, in Mr. Rodriquez’ office in the Philippines*

“We found your daughter sir.” Mrs. Tan, his secretary, said as she entered his office.

She handed Mr. Rodriquez a picture of Zayn and Rinnah sleeping.

“She’s somewhere in London. That young man she was with is in a boyband called One Direction.” Mrs. Tan informed Rinnah’s dad.

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