Chapter 18

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Art By: @angelsmilkii


As soon as I managed to make it out onto the street, I took several turns in an attempt to lose the officers. When I finally felt as if I had lost them, I pulled into a grocery store parking lot and parked the car.

I needed to figure out what the heck I was going to do.

I replayed all of the recent events in my mind and softly hit my head against the steering wheel, fingers turning white from their steel grip on said wheel.

I really didn't know much.

One second I'm having a fun time with my two pals and the next I'm taking shelter as they try to be heroes.

A thought popped into my mind but I chose to ignore it.

I considered for a second that maybe the people attacking were the bad people Dan had warned me about, the people we were running away from. However, I brushed it off, because surely if they had just been after us, they wouldn't have hurt so many other people.

I also wouldn't be able to bear it in my conscience if I found out that we were the cause of so much destruction and loss of lives.

At this point, my breaths were a bit ragged and I fought to prevent my shoulders from shaking. My throat tightened as if I was being choked, even though nothing was touching it. My eyes burned and so I closed them as tightly as I could. My mouth was slightly ajar, breathing becoming harder to do. And although I'd like to present a nice image of myself, I'll be honest when I say that I felt mucus running from my nose and I sniffled to prevent it from falling.

Basically, I broke down and cried.

I cried in the parking lot of some random grocery store, in a car that wasn't mine, in a foreign country, without my friends, and with danger just lurking around the corner.

After who knows how long, I finally composed myself as best as I could. I wiped my tears, took deep breaths, and counted slowly.

Then I took a good look at my surroundings, double checked that the car was locked, and unbuckled. I got into a comfortable sitting position, now free from the constraining safety device, and tried to figure out what to do next.

I knew I couldn't stay in the parking lot for too long but I also didn't want to be driving out on the streets. And, as much as I disliked the idea, I knew I couldn't even keep using the same car. At this point, they knew what it looked like, so there were probably searching for the car. I considered walking somewhere on foot, because they were most likely expecting me to be in the car, but if they did find me, it might be hard to escape.

I sighed and tried to find a solution, but my mind seemed to be blank.

I pulled out a phone and checked the time, realizing I had been sitting for quite some time.

Then, it dawned on me: I needed to make a call. I needed to called someone...

I unlocked the phone and immediately went to the contacts, searching for 'Ken K'. I nibbled on my lip absentmindedly as I pressed the 'call' button and held the phone to my ear.

Dan's words echoed in my head, the same odd sentence repeating over and over again.

The phone rang, but no one answered.

I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath, biting my lip harder.

Then I pulled out the other phone and repeated my actions. However, it met with the same result.

I called again from the first phone, then again with the second and I kept calling from both phones, trying not to lose hope.

Finally, someone picked up.

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