Chapter 3

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And no, the moment wasn't heart stopping or mind blowing in any way. It didn't stop time, freeze the moment and Sasha in no way felt any connection to any of the blubbery, sappy, romantic books she read. Not at all.

But he was pretty cute. Cuter than most of the boys she saw on a daily basis anyway.

He was tall, or at least she thought he was seeing as she was quite a bit above him. But then again, anyone was pretty much tall compared to her, something she chose to see as a perk rather than a flaw. His hair curled past his ears as he bent down to examine whatever he was fixing. Straining her eyes, she could see his tanned forearms straining against the rope, pulling it into place. She sat back in her seat, looking to her side to see Kaela continuing to take pictures.

"Hey, Kaela, do you see that guy over there?"

Kaela turned to gaze through her screen in the direction of Sasha's gaze.

"Yeah, what about him?"

"You didn't see him outside with any of the other hands did you?"

"I dunno, Sash, I can't remember."

With that, Kaela twisted away, continuing to peer out through her camera lens. Sasha scowled towards her younger sister before turning her gaze back to the boy. Except no one was there.

Swiveling around, she searched for the dark haired boy, looking for anyone dressed in black. Most of the audience had come in by now, filling the rows with giggling and shouting. The stage hands were closing the tent flaps, enveloping the audience in sparkling lights and magical music. Sasha sighed, turning back to see the ring master enter the ring, the applause deafening. She clapped along half heartedly, taking one last sweep of the tent. Nothing. Resolving herself to not wonder about the boy any longer, she settled back to enjoy the show. 

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