22 4 5

I stopped in my tracks.

    "Stupid boy! You're good for nothing. Can't talk, can't even wash the dishes right!"

    It was a woman's voice, high pitched and screeching.


    "Say something!"

    I ran up to the side of the house to peek in through the window.

    Leo started to softly sob. Then who I assumed was his mother, with curly dark brown hair just like his, started to cry as well.

    "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean it. I'm not your father. I've just had a long day."

    Leo looked at her with an expression I couldn't quite decipher. He slowly got up from where he had collapsed on the floor and walked stoically up the stairs, one more tear falling on his flushed cheek.

I had never seen him like this. At school he always seemed chilled out and happy, although difficult to read, and it shocked me that he had a whole other personality: another world at home. It shocked me that someone could be so cruel that Leo cried.

    I quickly ran to my front door after his mother briefly glanced my way. My breath was quick and heavy. I twirled my hair with my fingers, anxiously pulling as I ran upstairs. I sat on my bed with my head in my hands, mind whirling from what I had just witnessed. I didn't know what to think or how to react. Of course I knew about abuse but I had never experienced it firsthand. But did that even count? She never actually laid a hand on him. But there was that bruise . . .

    Knock, knock knock

    I got up and opened the door, and what greeted me was the smiling face of my father, a bit of blonde stubble gracing his chin.

    "Hi sweetie, how was your day?"

    "You're back!" I jumped into my father's arms. "How was New York?"

    "It was good. As good as business trips can be anyway. I brought home some New York Cheesecake chocolate that we can try after dinner." he winked at me.

    "Mmmmm," I closed my eyes. "I'm excited."

    "Me too. Is your mother home yet?"

    "No, she had to work a couple extra hours at the hospital today." I said.

    "Alright, I'll take us out for dinner tonight then. Red Robin sound good?" he asked.

    "Perfect." I smiled as he closed the door and walked back downstairs.

    My dad was a very handsome man, with striking blue eyes and a sharply defined face like mine. It's no wonder why my mom married him, but he was gone so much that it was getting difficult for all of us. I decided not to think about it too much though, and sat down on my window seat and started reading.

    A waving motion caught the corner of my eye just as the sky was starting to darken.

"Oh, hi Leo!" I exclaimed, then waved when I realized he couldn't possibly hear me.

    He had a stupid grin on his face, which surprised me considering he was so upset just a few hours ago. My body grew tense as I was reminded of the scene I had witnessed. I ignored him when he signed to me.

I felt bad, but I couldn't wrap my head around it, not yet.

A/N: Finally, another chapter! Sorry about the wait, finals have been crazy. Thanks so much to Jade for her feedback, and if you like my story, please consider voting!

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