16 4 1

"As you know class, Solo and Ensemble is coming up here soon. It's February 16th this year, and you are all required to prepare a piece. You may find an accompanist or you can use the one provided by the school, but you must have one by the end of January."

It was early December, and the orchestra class was already getting excited for the annual Solo and Ensemble competition. The bell marking the end of the school day rang as Ms. Kucharski finished her speech.

"Don't forget to turn in your forms before Winter Break! If you are going to contest I need to register you before December 20th."

As the rest of the class shuffled out of the classroom with their instruments, I got up and waited to talk to the director.

"Hello, Astrid! Did you have a question about Solo and Ensemble?"

"Uh, yeah. I was wondering if I could do a duet with a piano instead of just having an accompanist."

"I don't know. The competition for pianists is on a different day . . ." my eyes fell to the floor, trying to hide my disappointment, "Although, I will check to see who is adjudicating this year and if one of them can give feedback for both cello and piano."

"Thank you so much!" I sighed with relief.

I could hardly contain my excitement, but I didn't want to get my hopes up just yet because it wasn't a guarantee. When I talked to Leo that afternoon through the window though, I couldn't resist. We had become fairly good friends through our windows, but we had only talked in person a couple times in class, and that one time in the practice rooms. I still worried about his situation, but I hadn't heard anything since the incident a few weeks ago.

"Meet me at the park" I signed to him. "I want to talk to you in person." I smiled at him and dashed down the stairs.

"Bye Mom! I'm going on a walk." I said as I made a beeline towards the door.

"This late? It's going to be dark soon." she said.

I paused. "Uh, yeah. I'll be back before sunset."

"Okay," she looked at me a bit suspiciously. "Do you have your phone?"

"Yup." I confirmed.

"Alright then, I'll see you soon. Love you."

"Love you too Mom. Bye!"

I walked out the door a little too fast, and broke into a run towards the park two blocks down. Leo wasn't there, and the benches were too wet to sit on, so I stood there awkwardly.

My hands trembled in my nervousness and the damp cold; I could barely sign when Leo came up to me.

I started blabbering uncontrollably, "So you know how orchestra has Solo and Ensemble and you play piano and I was wondering if maybe you would play with me? I mean wouldyouwanttodoaduetatsoloensemblewithme?"

Leo looked at me confused "What was that?" he signed.

We both burst out laughing.

"Sorry!" I signed. "I was thinking maybe we could do the Solo and Ensemble competition together. My director is going to see if we can be adjudicated on a duet for piano and cello."

Leo's eyes lit up. "Really? With me? But I haven't had any real piano lessons, I just taught myself."

"But you're really good!" I replied.

"Okay..." He grinned. "On one condition. I get to pick the piece." 

"Fine." I pouted. I hadn't really thought that far ahead anyway.

"I should probably go, my dad will get mad if I'm home late." he smiled. "Practice rooms, tomorrow at lunch."

"Wouldn't miss it." I said.

He ran back down the street, turning to wave one more time before he turned the corner.

I sat down on the bench to try to keep calm. Immediately I felt the dampness seep through my underwear. I groaned and started walking back, waddling a bit because of the wetness on my pants. Thankfully, my mom was distracted cooking dinner when I walked through the door, so I ran up to my room and changed my clothes. It sucked, but it was worth it. So worth it. 

A/N: Wow that was a long chapter. I have ended up having a lot of extra time, so I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will most likely be getting another chapter out soon because I have a lot of ideas for where this story is going!

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