
68 5 16

This is gonna be one hell of a way to kick off this book! Can be triggering!

Softly crying, you stand at the edge

Wind gently blows on your face
slowly drying your tears as they fall

It almost sounds as if there's voices whispering in your ears,
but you can't quite hear them over your thoughts

The edge you stand near is rocky,
you didn't notice that as you walked up here
but you're noticing now

It's just like you to procrastinate your own demise

You stumble back,
the wind has gotten stronger as you got lost in your head

The wind stops but it's too late,
you were pushing forward against it

You fall.

All your thoughts seem to come quickly,
or maybe time has just slowed

You see the face of the cliff as you plummet towards the rocks that will eventually end you

But you don't want to die,
you thought you did but you don't anymore

You just want to go back

Back to before you fell

Back to the seconds of joy, you felt before the sorrow settled itself inside your mind

But you just keep on falling

You can never go back now

all you can see is red as you hit the rocks

The pain is so intense,
you didn't think it would hurt this bad

The salt on the rocks enters your wounds,
your back split,
your lungs burning,
the blood draining from you

Taking your life with it

Taking your memories with it

Taking you with it as it drips into the sea

Your vision is black at the edges,
but it slowly creeps inwards to the center of your vision,
into your mind too

Your life is almost over

In seconds it will be gone

They won't find you here,
you made sure they won't

Your body will follow your life into the sea, into the darkness

Just as your eyes close,
you breathe your last breath
and bleed your last drop

Regretting every road you never took and every word you never spoke,
and every demon you never fought

You wake up.

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