Chapter 1

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Victor was bored. The season was over and he finally got have the break he longed for. The only problem was that he had nothing to do during said break. For the past few days he had done the same chores over and over again, watched the same T.V. shows over and over again, desperately waiting for something exiting.

« I'm home. Victor can you get the rest of the groceries? » called his beloved husband. Victor eagerly obeyed as it gave him something to do. That was another thing that had become so repetitive these past few days. Yuri said, Victor obeyed, that was what they had agreed upon a few months into their marriage. It was something the both wanted and were happy to give. Although he usually enjoys obeying Yuri and being a good boy for his master something about it had become somewhat repetitive. This realisation confuses Victor. He loves being submissive, loves serving Yuri and spoiling him with his affection and submission. He loves waking up and kneeling beside Yuri as he drinks his morning coffee, he loves cleaning up after Yuri even when he doesn't ask. He loves doing all these everyday things to please Yuri, so why do they suddenly seem to bore him?

The thought sat in the back of of Victor's mind while he mindlessly continued his day. At least he had the contentment of having Yuri cuddle him in bed at the end of this terribly boring day.
« What you looking at? » Yuri inquired gesturing to the content on Victor's phone.
« Just scrolling through Tumblr, since I have nothing better to do » Victor didn't mean to come of as rude but fatigue had gotten the best of him. However he was shocked at his reaction to Yuri's reply. « Watch your tone Vitya. » Why did it excite him so much? Regardless that excitement gave him an idea.

Hope you guys enjoyed and would love feedback.

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