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shuu wears cheese crocs pass it on


shuu is the youngest out of everyone in the cast ok he's ALMOST a year younger than valt and daina (and everyone likes to make fun of him. especially lui. because lui sucks.)

anyways when he's 20 and everyone else is 21+ they all make fun of him because he can't drink

so when he turns 21 he's like "hella yeah it's my birthday and im gonna drink some beer" and it's terrible. "ugh this is terrible" he said.

so instead he found some of that fruity wine that gives you a headache that everyone else hates and you know what?? he kinda likes it.

tasteless bastard.

anyways everyone still makes fun of him but now it's just switched from not being able to drink to his choice of drink

man the sweet boy really cannot catch a break huh

do you know how bad fruity wine is? shuu doesn't

please save him from his mistake

shuu only drinks fruity wine and water now oh god what have i done

i bet he eats his cheese crocs too

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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