Chapter 1

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"Please! What did I do wrong?!? Please Spare my life! What happened to being my only trusted friends?"

Let's rewind a little bit and give some context to when I was breathless and screaming that line on the last day of summer break – the night before...

Chapter 1:

Friday night...

'98, 99, 100!' I counted in my head as I listened to my friend rant on the phone. I had done 100 strokes while I brushed my hair, and now it was knot free and silky smooth, for I had just washed it. "Seriously though, like, OMG! I can't believe he dumped you," I reply as if I was THAT surprised, their relationship was going to end eventually, and then I hear her mum's voice in the background while she was explaining how it went down. "Elenor McCarthy! Get off the phone this MINUTE Young Lady! It is past your time allowed on your phone. Since you are addicted to it, you are GROUNDED! And no going out with your friends tomorrow!" Damn... that means that she can't hang with me and the guys tomorrow, we had been planning this for a few weeks. Elenor is the reason this thing all came together, a few friends and I had wanted to get Taryn Myers and Elenor McCarthy together. Now the whole plan was screwed. I never saw this in my visions... (if you didn't know I'm Psychic and have visions all the time and I know everything that's going to happen and all the possibilities) "Alright, well I got to go, you heard the angry old lady, I might be able to sneak out... I don't know, Ok Bella? Talk to you later?" Elenor whispers into the phone. "ok, well, before you go... 1, Don't talk about your mother like that! 2, Don't sneak out or you'll get killed by your parents when you return – they always find out! 3, yes, I'll talk to you later... Goodnight!" I try to say quickly as she only as a bit of time before she hangs up... "Eeeeehhh...OK! Ok...! Byeee Goodnight!" and with Elenor saying that, she hung up the phone.

"Phewffffffffff..." I took a deep breath in and had a sigh of relief, now that, that is done with, I had to fix this plan, ASAP!... I quickly finish putting my hair up before I go to bed, as I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow, I finish my second braid and turn off the glowing, colour-changing light on my dresser. I put my phone on to charge on my bedside table, and get into bed. Just as I was about to drift off to sleep, my dog wriggles and rustles, and then stands up and tries to get underneath the sheets and cuddle against my body. Bless him, but he always does this, and it kills me since I had to move him and help him. A small little dog, a teacup long haired Chihuahua with sandy blonde fur, and his fluff is half of his body mass. Those big brown eyes staring at me with those big fluffy ears perked up as if he was asking a question. His body language is so natural to read at times, and it's cute. I lift his body from one side of the bed to the other and lift the sheets up to help him, then he 'nests' a bit and sleeps in a cute and comfortable position. He is such a small and petit dog that he can't really jump or walk over things, so I have to lift him over me. I think about all the plans and events that were meant to take place tomorrow, and eventually, I fall asleep.

I woke up, yawned and stretched, all that jazz...

Once I got out of bed, I took a few steps to wake up my legs and realise that there is a stench in my room, and it is nasty. I take a few steps more not looking where I was going.


I. Stepped. In. Dog. POOP. EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW! GROSS! I took a step back, and my other foot stepped in a puddle of dog pee. THIS. DAY. COULDN'T. GET. ANY. WORSE! UGH!

Everything is going wrong today... First Elenor couldn't come to something that she was the needed for, and now not only do I have to take a shower, AGAIN! But I have to clean my carpet, and now my room STINKS! Ew. Ok, mental plan. 1. Shower. 2. Clean up all dog messes in my room. 3. Make my room smells nice again 4. Shower yet again because EW! 5. Get ready for the rest of the day.

"Huh......" I sighed, I had to finish all of that really quickly. Though I did it! Ok so... Subtle makeup, check. Perfume? Check...! Duh! Ok... deodorant? Yes. Ok, now I have to find my shoes, and off I go...

In the car...

After a little chat and silence in the car, my eyes became flooded with a vision from my mind's eye.

I'm at school? But only my few friends and I... What? Why am I wearing the same clothes as today? What happened? Carlos? What... is Carlos doing...? Taryn? Why does he have his Katana in public? And Why is he drawing his katana if he does that, I mean.... He must draw blood or else.... What's going on?

My vision stops, and I catch my breath. While I saw all those things, I had so many questions. Too many questions. What was my vision telling me? What is going on?

Ok, so all I know is that I am wearing the same clothes as my vision, but I rarely have visions on the day it will happen. This is my favourite outfit – I always wear it. How? What? Ugh! I'm so confused... Why are we at school? But only us? I have so many questions... but I can't handle this right now. Not. Now. I have way too much on already...

Plan: Meet Everyone at the café, near the park in high castle.

Have food chat and talk.... Maybe see if we can go to Elenor's and get Taryn to ask her out, or..... hmmm. I DON'T KNOW!

I arrive, I say my goodbyes to mum, and she drives away... I meet my boyfriend at the park. I wave, and he waves back. We walk towards each other, and we hug, I give him a passionate kiss 'hello' and walk towards the café to meet others. We have a bit of convocation but nothing that important. I usually would tell him about my visions and all, but I have learnt my lesson.

Mother nature always punishes me if I warn someone about something that they are involved in or what will happen to them. (I hate it, and it kills me) but I have to follow and abide by the rules.

To be Continued...

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