Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

The meetup:

We, find the rest of our friends who were in the little café we had been walking too. Taryn, Jarrod our little gamer dude and he is really one of a kind, and then there was us. Taryn had his katana with him, in a public place? Why? I didn't ask, I might later. Jarrod starts to say, "Oh! It's the lovebirds! Wait–, "

Taryn interrupts, "Where? ...where is Elenor? W-w-what?"

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out, he looked devastated like a lost and abused puppy, but he.... He started to look to me with anger and then looked at Carlos. He turned around and looked at Jarrod, and he put his hands up in self-defence "Ay, mate... I had nothing to do with this bro. I didn't know she wasn't coming I thought she was," Jarrod says in a calm voice to help the situation, but that... it only benefited him, he took a few steps back and went to sit back down.

Taryn looks at me with hatred "Bella, ..... I mean, Carlos I don't know about, but you!? You set me up? To f-fail? What??? Bella, what happened? This was my one chance! HOW COULD U DO THIS TO ME? ..." He started to yell and raise his voice, people started to look. I reply as best I could "Taryn, you know I would never do that to you... why? Why would I? I have no motive, and after everything, you have done FOR me why would I DO THAT to you...? You didn't even ask what happened, I can explain so just give me time to, it all just happened to fast and all last night, too late to tell anyone here." I take a pause " Taryn...? Please, it may look as if I have a bias opinion and I get that, Bella is my girlfriend. But, she told me everything on the way here when she and I met at the park, now I wasn't there so I can't say every single detail. Just, please hear her out and listen to what happened, I know you really like Elenor, so if you do anything don't mess it up by making an enemy of her best friend. " Carlos says, to help the situation, and slowly through what he said, he put one of his arms on Taryn's shoulder.

"Uuugh! Fine... sorry, Bella please explain what happened..." Taryn says with an extremely short wire of patience. I reply with "Ok, thank you. But.... May we please leave here everyone is looking at us since we made a scene. Let's go to the park and hang out... and I'll explain everything. "

"....ok, fine. That kind of seems fair. Let's go, come'n Jarrod?"

Jarrod nods and stands up and walks out of the café with us.

Carlos puts his right hand around my waist and holds me close to him while we walk. He looks around to see if anyone is watching and then whispers in my ear. "Look, just tell him everything, it'll be ok. I Promise.... I promise you it'll all be ok..." then he kisses me on the cheek and I feel as if everything is ok and will be ok again.

We reach the park, we find a nice pic-nick table, everyone sits down looks at me and sighs.

"Ok! Ok... fine. Jeez, no need to look at me like I'm some weirdo or, .... or some awful person... - " I say in defence, but then someone interrupts me.

"- But, right now you are, you betrayed me, and I want to hear the story to decide what my actions are next, "Taryn snaps back.

"Ok, so this is how it all went down,..." I say in a sigh

After I had explained everything, Jarrod and Taryn were still trying to digest everything that I had just told them. They looked perplexed and intrigued although my main focus was on Taryn, he looked as if he was in an in-depth thought process. "Is... that... everything that happened?... Nothing else?" Taryn said in a small and shaky voice

"Yes, I don't know what else to say because I don't know what you want to hear at this moment, I have told you the truth and only the truth. I have told you the events of last night and why she isn't here. So, don't go pointing any fingers now..."

Jarrod gestures to see if it's ok time to speak and make a suggestion. I nod softly and slowly.

"Well, it's the last day of summer break, right? Well, there are 2 main options for us to do... 1. we could go to Elenor's house and see what comes out of it, or... 2. we could go to the school campus and see what it looks like with no people, and have a little explore, I know we won't be able to access our lockers nor the classrooms but most of our school isn't inside so, we can hang out and explore... Oh! And see if teachers actually are at school during summer break!" we all have a little laugh after he mentions the teacher's comment

"Ha! Not, too shabby Jarrod. I'm impressed that you took the initiative and spoke up." Carlos says positively, as Jarrod is shyer and doesn't always speak up about things.

"Why thank you Carlos, so what do you say, guys?" Jarrod says in response with a smile stuck on his face. Funnily enough, we all said our answers to Jarrod in the same words, and at the same time. "Yeah, Jarrod, "I say, "Number 2... Hahahaha, we all said that at the same time" we got up from the table with leaving all the bad energy behind us and started to walk to our school which happened to be a block away.

During our walk, we had some great conversations about life and random things, we also just took our time walking and made heaps of puns and jokes throughout the whole time. During all of this Carlos had his arm around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek or forehead every now and then. Carlos was a very smooth and subtle guy, who happened to be very sweet and smart and was great in social politics.

To Be Continued...

The DeathOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant