15 | Black Revelations

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~ Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix

Hermione had just gotten her friends down for their noon-time nap. It was quite a change of pace for her; while she'd always had a more responsible mothering role among her friends, Hermione had never thought she'd see the day when she was wiping their drool away. Tapping their mouths closed when they were staring after a girl that'd taken their fancy? Sure. But actually cleaning up spit-up and making them burp after eating? It was all still a bit surreal.

She quietly whispered a muffliato on their crib, which she'd transfigured out of one of the living room couches. She then plopped down on the couch, blowing stray strands of hair out of her face. She'd just decided to close her eyes for quick second when she heard muffled footsteps from the hallway.

She stayed still as someone made their way into the living room, heading for the Floo. Their footsteps seemed agitated and purposeful, and Hermione cracked her eyes slightly to catch a glimpse of the one and only Sirius Black. As he was about to reach for the powder, Hermione quickly spoke up, halting his actions.

"You can't go after him."

He looked back at her, his hand coming back to his side as he studied her in contemplation.

"We'll catch him once we have a plan," she continued. "But going after him by yourself is not going to help anyone right now."

"I can find him," Sirius insisted. "I have to, especially after I was foolish enough to believe in him after everything you'd warned us about," he sighed in exasperation, tugging his fingers through his long locks of hair.

"Find him and do what?" Hermione asked knowingly.

A dark rage filled Sirius' eyes, and even though he hesitated to answer, Hermione already knew where his impulses were leading.

"Make him pay."

Hermione nodded, already knowing the truth of it. "Well you regret not listening to me before, so listen to me now. Pursuing Pettigrew in a fit of rage never led you anywhere good. So just wait."

Sirius' hard gaze faltered as he thought through her words. "But things have changed. We know now that Peter was the traitor, so even if something unfortunate happens, people will know why."

"Do we?" Hermione asked carefully. "We only know he lied about his mother. Until we have evidence he's aligned with the Death Eaters, you can still get in a lot of trouble for preemptively hurting him."

Sirius bristled at her words. "I don't care," he said firmly. "If the bastard even possibly sold out the Longbottoms, then he will pay and answer for his betrayal."

"Well you should care!" Hermione implored. "I'm telling you, this isn't likely to end well. Please just wait."

Sirius shook his head absentmindedly, turning back to the pot of Floo powder. Thinking quickly on her feet, Hermione non-verbally vanished the dish. Sirius froze when it disappeared right before his eyes, turning to Hermione with frustration.

"How dare you try and keep me here?" He bit out.

"I'm trying to stop you from doing something you might regret!" She pleaded. "Something that might be irreversible!"

"You can't cage me here," he said in annoyance, reaching for his wand.

"I'm trying to protect you!" Hermione yelled, finally losing her patience.

"I'm not the one who needs protecting," he said stubbornly, turning away from her.

In a moment of panic, Hermione realized he was about to disapparate away. If he did, there was no chance she'd be able to find and stop him in time from doing something reckless. So she did the only thing she could think of. Leaping off the couch, she ran towards Sirius, launching herself at his back. She locked her legs around his narrow hips and her arms around his neck, clinging to him like a baby monkey.

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