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*AUTHOR: George Haman*


*WATTPAD: AuthorHaman*

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*MOBILE: 0798952111*


Max had woken up and taken the gun which was placed beside him on the bed; he was the one who had shot the big guy. Before the other guys could grab their guns and attack Max, I rushed in and helped Max take them out as well. I then helped him and Dawson to get up and together we went to check on Melina; she was still in a comma.

I knew there was a mole in the force and that would mean that every single undercover agent's life was at stake and fighting for a Force that was willing to sell our souls for greed of power and wealth would be a big risk to take, I decided to get an early retirement and quit the Force.

The secret missions I had gone for the task force had gotten me enough allowances to get me through a couple of years before I could think of what to do next with my life. I needed to get away from the current world I was living in and turn a new leaf; that would mean that I had to go without saying goodbye to all my friends including my Melina, I had to leave without anyone knowing.

All my plans backfired when I applied for the retirement and my application was declined. I was instead transfered to another city where I was supposed to go as a commander in charge.

As usual, our bosses covered up the whole betrayal in the headquarters and restored everything to order so as to blind us that the attack was not an inside job. I had evidence linking a top ranked General to the attack but I could not give the evidence to my superiors since I did not know who to trust; I saw the best way out was to quit the force for good.

As a soldier, I knew that even if I went to another country and I had that information which could lead to a top General being sued for treason and sentenced to death, I would never be safe; there was only one way out.

A day prior to the day I was supposed to travel to my new work station, I decided to plan my exit out of the force; by now Melina had woken up but she was still under medical care. I knew I could trust the likes of Max and Dawson, but for my plan to work, I needed to do everything on my own and risk being taken to court martial if caught.

I packed all my belongings nicely into bags and boxes then I went to see Melina and the rest of my friends as I gave them the goodbye hug. I was using the government car which had been assigned to the quarters where I was now staying as I waited to be transferred.

We spent happy hours with my friends since we all had gone to visit Melina and she promised to come and visit me in my new station once I settled but before I left, I asked her to tell me everything about herself from when she was a child up to when we met.

"I know that you are anxious to know how comes you were told that I am dead yet I am still alive." She said smiling.

"Yeah, I want to know whether I am in love with a ghost." I said smiling back.

"I wish I was because I would always haunt you." She said jokingly then we both laughed.

We had been left only the two of us; the other guys had excused us so she felt free to tell me everything I had been yearning to know all along.

"I was born in a small village called Kiangungi in Embu county; I was my parents only child." She began her story.

When she said that she was the only child, I became confused because when we first met, Melina had told me that she was looking for her sister.

"Honey I am confused. First, you told me that you have an elder sister. Secondly, who did your family bury because Charlie told me that you were buried?!" I asked impatiently.

"Jack, I am going to tell you everything, just be calm... I grew up with my elder brother Charlie who became my brother after my dad got married to another lady; she came with a baby boy who was Charlie. My mum died after I was born and since dad could not bring me up on himself, he needed someone to take care of me; he got married to my stepmother, Eunice.

Since she came when I was an infant, she loved me like her own daughter and always treated me with love and affection just like she did to her son. I grew up knowing that she was my mum until I finished highschool and Dad told me everything." Melina said then stared at me for a while.

"Then after you knew that Charlie was your half brother and Eunice was not your biological mum, what happened next?" I asked anxiously.....

Continues in Episode Two.

©Author George Haman.

Written on 12/01/2019.

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