Episodes 16&17

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*AUTHOR: George Haman*


*WATTPAD: AuthorHaman*

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*EMAIL: authorhaman@gmail.com*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*


I took Monica's hand and together we walked back to bed and sat on it. I did not know where to begin but I had to ask her about it before it was too late.

"My Queen, you know I love you so much right?" I said calmly.

Monica's face changed suddenly and her hands began sweating; she could tell I was about to give her bad news or do something which would make her devastated.

"Yes I do know that my king. Why ask me that?" She asked sounding really nervous.

"There is something bothering me and I would like you to explain it to me so that I can understand better please my Queen." I said calmly.

"What is bothering you my King?" She asked with curiosity filled in her tone.

"You are three months pregnant, Faith is two months pregnant. Her pregnancy cannot be from the city since for the past two months, she has been here; is she seeing someone in here in this palace?" I asked politely.

Monica immediately panic and grabbed her mouth with her eyes wide open. She did not expect that I would ask such kind of a question. She got off the bed panicked like someone who had been caught stealing, and began walking around the room like a mad woman.

"Oh no! This can't be right, she cannot be pregnant." She said in whispers unconsciously thinking that I could not hear her.

"What can't be right Monica? Why should your sister not be pregnant? Is it a crime for her to be pregnant?" I asked getting curious now to know what was going on.

"No! No! No My king. It is nothing and it is no crime for her to get pregnant, just that I am wondering why she has been quiet for two months and never told me anything." Monica replied with a shaky voice.

"Can I get something to eat please my king? I feel like I am starving." She requested trying to switch to another topic.

As a military man, I could see lies written all over her face, I could tell there was a lot she was hiding deep inside her heart.

"Monica, this is not a game! I need to know who the father to Faith's kid is because she has been here in this palace for the last two months and therefore she slept with one of my servants! You and I both know that a Royal blood is not allowed to sleep with their servants under the royal roof; those are your traditions and you know better what happens when someone breaks the ethics." I said changing my tone and my facial expression.

I could see fear written allover her face and  I could easily tell that there was something she was hiding from me. I became serious and all of a sudden, I was tough on her insisting to know whom the father of the child was.

In case the elders found out that Faith was pregnant and she had no any known man in her life, the elders would demand to know whose kid she was carrying as long as she lived in the palace and that would make me look bad if at all she had slept with a servant.

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