Hide and Seek With a Very Bad Reward Part 2 (Both)

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Hey guys I'm back again.So hopefully we all remember what happened last part.Anyways just a little recap ( I do these every part by the way) Scarlet found/killed Starflight,Winter,Peril,Turtle, Carnelian,Tsunami,Clay,Kinkajou,and Sunny.So now lets get back to the dare.

* In the Rain forest*

Glorybringer: ( Come on we all ship them) *In Glory's hut kissing*

Scarlet: I thought better of you Glory but you night wing not so much

Glory: It's deathbringer and don't come any closer or we'll have another book one insistence

Deathbringer: AH thanks honey for sticking up for me

Glory: Shut up if you want to live to

Deathbringer: * Shuts up*

Scarlet: Enough talk lets just get this over with * kills them both* OK not that much left right???

* In the secret nightwing island*

Moon: * walking around because she thinks Scarlet won't find her* Hmmmmmmm since she won't find me let's go to the library

Scarlet: Guess again * kills her* Now if I did the math right 3 more to go 

Firestar: Yep 3 more Qibli,Umber, and Fatespeaker

Scarlet: OK let's finish this

* In the Mudkingdom*

Umber: *eating a *crocodile*

Scarlet: What is it with you Mudwings and eating

Umber: Hey it's just what we do

Scarlet: Anyways *kills Umber*

* In a sand dune*

Qibli: *Hiding in a simple sand dune*

Scarlet: Hey how you doing

Scarlet: Hey how you doing

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Qibli: Just fine you

Scarlet: OK you ready

Qibli: Sure so who's left 

Scarlet: Well according to Firestar you and fatespeaker

Qibli: Relly I lasted that long wow

Scarlet: Yep now time to die * Kill's Qibli*

Firestar: Now that's everyone

Scarlet: Do I get anything for doing this

Firestar: Yes you do death *sends Scarlet back to the grave* Now can we have are winner here please

* Fatespeaker appears*

Fatespeaker: Where am I well I know I am in the kingdom the sand but still I was just hiding in JMA

Firestar: Well you are the winner of the hide and seek dare how do you feel also WHAT IS IT WITH YOU PEOPLE HIDING IN JMA

Fatespeaker: Wait I won YAAAAAAAAAAA and it was just an ok hiding spot

Firestar: Really now time to meet all the queens* lets start with Coral

*Coral appears*

Coral: GET OUT NOW wait umm how did I get here

Firestar: Me

Coral: Oh now who is this little nightwing

Fatespeaker: Im Fatespeaker 

Coral: Well anyways can I go back now

Firestar: Sure

*Coral goes back*

( I am not going to do the rest of the queens because i'm lazy sorry DON'T SUE ME) Well that is done finally.I hope you enjoyed it and leave any dares if you have any ideas please                Moonbli out

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