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My name is Izuku Midorya. I was a quirkless child until a faithful day when I met my biggest idol in life and #1 hero, All Might. He explained how it was time for him to pass on his quirk, and that I was his successor. Today is the day I applied for the top school for heroes, UA. And today is the practical exam.

All I see is the pavement, seeming to get closer to me. Then it hit, I was about to hit the ground. I had tripped on what is most likely the biggest day of my life thus far.
But I wasn't falling anymore.
I had no clue how, but the ground had stopped approaching, I had stopped my descent. I was trying to process this, looking for a possible cause. I looked behind me, and saw a girl, just standing there with a warm smile.
"It would be bad luck to fall, right?"
Somehow she had stopped me from falling, but that was the least of my concern. She was the cutest girl I had laid my eyes on. She had chestnut brown hair,with eyes to match. Her smile and her voice seemed to just radiate a kind warmth.
"Are you okay? Can you talk?"
I had zoned out, and now blushing intensely, since I had realized I was just staring at her.
"Y-yeah. I'm ok. T-thank you. How did you do that?"
"My quirk is anti-gravity! I can remove the momentum of any object, including it's gravity. That's why you're floating in place."
Without even realizing it, I had been floating and not moving an inch this entire exchange. She seemed like she was starting to struggle to keep me up, so I attempted to get back up, but only with the girl's help was i able to touch the ground again.
"Hey what's your name?"
"Izuku M-midoriya. What's yours?"
"Ochaco Uraraka. Nice to meet you! I hope we can meet again. Cya!"

I didn't even get a chance to fully process what had just happened before everyone at the facility had been told to meet at the gate to the simulation. It was time to start the practical entry exam to UA.

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