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I woke up in a hospital bed, but I wasn't in a hospital. Or at least not a very good one. I leaned up and rubbed my head, the headache killing me.
How can I rub my head? My arm should be broken. And yet it's not. Was every single bit of it a dream?

The last part of that I must've said aloud, since an elderly woman in the room said, "No, you're not dreaming. You are in the UA recovery room. If you're wondering why your legs and arm aren't broken, you have my quirk to thank. You are going to have to stay in here for a few hours so we can make sure there was no permanent damage. Three of your limbs were obliterated during that exam. What exactly caused a situation so dire that you destroyed your body?"
I struggled to remember the events of what had happened. I remember destroying the robot, then floating down...
"What was that?"
"Uraraka. The girl I saved. Is she ok?"
"Oh, you mean the girl with the strange haircut. She made a full recovery, and is actually here right now. Which reminds me, you have a few visitors. Would you like me to send them in now?"
"Um, S-sure."

My first visitor was my mother, which wasn't all that surprising. She spent about 15 minutes first crying and worrying for my safety and then told me that she would be proud of me, regardless of whether or not I got accepted. She walked out, and my second visitor was a bit of a surprise.

It was the tall kid from before, the one who scolded me in the meeting. This was the first time I could put a clear face to the voice. He was fairly tall, with a muscular build, and had abnormally large calves. I'm guessing that it's a part of his quirk.
"May I ask your name?"
"My name? It's Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya."
"My name is Tenya Iida. Please forgive me, for I have underestimated you. I thought you were just a small kid who mutters to himself, and yet you prove to be an exemplary fighter. I do hope we get to meet at a later date."
I swear I have never seen a more animated person. He moved his arms along with his talking as if they were how he controlled his tongue. He's a strange one, but he seems quite friendly once you get to know him. We talked a for a few more minutes, discussing each other's quirks, without revealing the secrets of One For All, of course. He left, and I was told I had one last visitor. I wondered who would walk through, it could be All Might, Kacchan, or anyone else I knew. But I wasn't quite expecting her.

It was the girl. The same one I had saved, the one who saved me.
"Hey you. I don't think I ever got to say thank you. I wouldn't be standing here if not for you. Everyone already got their results, so Present Mic told me to hand yours to you."
I suddenly was filled with anxiety, fearing what the letter had contained. It alone decided my future as a hero, or if I was one at all. Ochaco promptly started to leave, flashing me a smile as she approached the doorway. I, for whatever reason, did something incredibly stupid.
"Hey Uraraka!"
"Uh, yeah?"
"C-can you stay and read my results with me? I know it's kinda weird, but I also probably wouldn't be standing here if not for you. I-It just feels right, you know?"
I trailed off on the latter part of that statement, and started blushing like crazy. Why did I say that? I barely knew her, she was just a girl I had saved. But I was rather surprised at when she also turned a slight shade of pink in the face, and gave a response.
"Um, sure! I'd love to see if I get to see you in class!"

See her in class? She had gotten admitted into UA? This only elevated my anxiety, yet also boosted my hopes. I furiously tore open the letter, with Ochaco by the bedside. A little piece of metal fell out, instead of a paper. Both of us were surprised and confused at this, but not as surprised as when a huge, translucent image of All Might appeared right before us
"Wait, you get a projection from All Might himself?! Is it not from UA?"
I was honestly as shocked as her, or perhaps even more. I thought I was getting an invitation to UA, not a speech from All Might.
Suddenly, as if waiting for a queue, the message answered Ochaco's question.
"I am sorry, there is much to deliberate on. Let's get to it! As you may know, I had come to town for one reason: to teach at UA. [Off screen] what's that? Get to the point? Very well. [Normally] Ahem, as you may know, Midoriya, you have made a perfect score on the written exam. However, a complete zero on the practical exam would naturally result in failure."
I knew it. I really am a failure. I have no clue what All Might saw in me. It's over. Suddenly, Ochaco nudged my shoulder with that same bright smile, and pointed back towards the projection.
"HOWEVER! You ended with a large amount of points to your name. Don't believe me? Look at this small clip, and find out for yourself!"
He motioned towards a screen behind him, and I saw Ochaco. What was she doing? I started to turn to the her beside me, but her face was  completely frozen, and slowly turning into a darker shade of red I had ever seen. That might actually be a previously undiscovered color.
"What's wrong, Uraraka?"
She seemed to snap out of whatever trance or nightmare she was in, and instantly buried her face in her hands. The video showed me exactly why.
"Um, mister Mic? Do you know that boy with curly green hair? With the freckles? He looks...uh, very plain."
It was Ochaco's voice, but why did she see Present Mic about me?
" I think I know who you are talking about, why?"
"Can I give him some of my points?!"

What? I know I heard this wrong. There was no way.
"That boy saved me! He sacrificed his chance at winning, his chance of enrolling in UA! He was the most hero-like person there. If he doesn't get to be accepted despite the fact that he rescued me from certain death, what kind of rigged system is this?!"
There was just a twinge of anger in her voice. I looked back over to my left, and I saw her covering her face with a pillow, slowly shrinking into a corner more and more. I continued to watch, to keep my eyes off of the embarrassed girl.
Present Mic pierced the audio, an unmistakably loud voice.
"I don't think we can do something like that, but don't you worry my enthusiastic little listener! There's no need!"

My eyes lit up, my hopes ignited once more. What did he mean by that? The video kept playing.
"Your little friend made a total of 60 points! With the introduction of the rescue points system, he managed to be one of the top scorers! He earned 60 by rescuing you in a spectacular fashion and you have earned 45 by saving him from falling!"
I saw Ochaco slowly walk back toward the bed, but still blushing intensely. The video switched away from the screen and back to All Might.
"CONGRATULATIONS, YOUNG MIDORIYA! You passed! This marks the beginning of a new chapter in your youthful life! Welcome... To your HERO ACADEMY!"

I did it. I actually did it. Tears were rolling down my eyes, my heart beating ever faster. For once in my life, I was able to pull ahead. I had met everyone's expectations of me, and then some. I truly feel blessed.

I had, at this point, forgotten that Ochaco was standing at my bedside. I saw her gleaming at me (albeit at a shade that rivals a rose), happy that we would be able to see each other some more.

We both looked at each other, almost into each other. I could tell she admired me to a certain level, but I also had respect and admiration for her. Never, not even once in my life, had anyone besides my mother offered to help and to sacrifice for me. She was willing to risk giving away her spot in UA just so I could go. She was the first to break the silence with a simple sentence, and yet she struggled with it.
"S-so I guess we-we'll see each other in class in a few months, h-huh?"
She was even more quiet and stuttery than I was in most cases, which seemed contrary to her normal, bubbly personality.
"Oh, uhm, y-yeah. Can't wait."
We were both a bit flustered, but probably for different reasons. She's probably embarrassed by the clip, but I'm just simply not use to talking to girls.
"Forgot to say, thanks for trying to give me your points."
I think I could've said something better, since her slowly diminishing blush raged on again, and she started to panic a bit.
"O-oh! That? That was nothing... It just seemed like the right thing to do after everything you risked for me, you know?"
She was talking absurdly fast,and her  blush  became dangerously close  to leaving the visible spectrum. I decided that I should try and avert the subject before she literally melts from her own red cheeks. We talked about our quirks, what we did for fun, and slowly left the moment. That old lady came back, telling Ochaco that visitor time was up, so she had to go. Right after she left, I saw a little piece of paper floating about a foot above my pillow, with a neatly written phone number on it.

Call me.

I blushed to myself as I added the number to my contacts.
"I think we're gonna be good friends," I muttered to myself before going through the last x-rays before leaving.

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