The First Day With Her

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As we walk off of the bus, Ochaco starts to hold my hand, intertwining her fingers with mine. It shocks me at first and I recoil just a tad, but I accept it. Her hands are soft and delicate, and the pads on her fingers feel almost like a cats paws. She looks up to me, waiting for a response. I talk sheepishly, trying not to draw too much attention.
"H-hey, Ochaco...I'm guessing you don't care if others f-find out about us?"
She starts to blush a slight bit, and I can tell she hasn't really thought that far ahead. She waits a few seconds, and gives a response.
"Um, I'm alright with people knowing. But if you are going to tell anyone, keep it to your friends, and don't just go out announcing it. If people ask, you can tell them. I'll tell Tsu and Iida."
I then realize that I don't really have many friends outside of Iida and Ochaco. Bakugo is a weird case, so I'm not sure what to call him. But I guess that's not unusual, I've only met a large number of them yesterday, and I can barley remember their names. Not to mention, I've never been a popular kid. She, however, seems to have already met and befriended someone. I ponder who I would want to be my friend as me and her walk hand-in-hand to both of our lockers, starting with mine, which is conveniently close to the entrance. We have to make a bit of a detour from my usual path, since ever locker  is a significant distance away from mine, which eats up a good few minutes. We start to head to 1-A after she grabs her books. A rather large amount if people glance at us, but they don't stop and ask. Why would they?
"Kay, we're here, Izu-kun."
I blush upon hearing that nickname. I like it, but it's the first time someone has given me a nickname with a positive meaning. I open the door for her to walk in, and I follow her from behind. As we walk in, everyone takes a glance, but doesn't really pay much mind. We aren't holding hands, as I let go to open the door for her. Other than the moderate blushing both of us had, there wasn't really anything to give away what happened. What kind if set me off was how the girl with pink skin and hair kept looking at us. I think her name was Mina. She looked like she was trying to find  something, a kind of curious look. I decide to ignore it. I start to walk towards my desk, and suddenly Iida stands in the way. He speaks in a tone that is a blend of worry and some strictness.
"Midoriya! Why did you walk in the door a full 10 minutes later than yesterday?! And at the exact same as Ochaco?!"
Damn it. I might have to tell him early. If I tell him, he seems like the kind of person that would do one of two things. One if those is respect the fact that we're both shy and not go around spreading gossip. The other is that he would report this and lecture both me and Ochaco endlessly on this. I really don't want to be put through the wringer on PDAs so I will just tell him later. I lean in and try to whisper to him.
"Iida, I'll text you later. I don't want to say it in front of everyone."
He gives me a confused look, then gives a nod. I'm glad he didn't prod any further, it could've drawn some attention. I sit down, and I see the pink girl walk up to me. She speaks in a slightly hushed voice.
"Hey, so whats going in between you and the infinity girl?"
I start to sweat profusely, I wasn't expected that. How in the hell did she guess? She didn't see us, I'm sure. We were both blushing, but that's not evidence enough to assume something. I try to talk without sounding panicked. Emphasis on try.
"Y-you mean N-nothing is happening! We're just f-friends!"
I say this out of pure instinct, not remembering that Ochaco was fine with people knowing if they asked.
"W-why would you th-think something's going on?"
"Well, I saw you two holding hands while you walked in. You were also walking with her to a place far away from the classroom. Whether it was just her locker or a secret backroom to get more 'intimate', I'm not sure yet."
I start to blush uncontrollably, and I start to think of rather...bad things. Just who is this girl? She was able to figure out that me and her are together within 20 minutes of seeing us.
"Well, if you say nothing's up..."
"Wait. O-ok. Me and her are...t-together."
She suddenly goes wide-eyed, and she starts to open her mouth. She is almost shaking with excitement. She runs over to Ochaco, I'm guessing to confirm this. I wonder if I just made the right choice.
I just open my textbook, ready to start the day. But looks like I had to get distracted one last time before the bell rang.
"Hey Izu-kun, why did you tell Mina?"
"W-well, you said that if people ask, i-i should tell them."
She does not look the happiest about this.
"Izu-kun. Mina is the most social person of all of us first years. She won't be able to hold herself back. Now I'm fairly fine with people knowing, I'm just telling you so you can prepare yourself."
This day just got worse. So I just inadvertently told the social butterfly that there is a relationship between two students on the second day. Can't wait for what this will bring.
The bell rings, and we all sit down to start our class.

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