You Bring Me Home (Original Storyline)

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It was a widely known (and heavily enforced) rule that no students were to leave Hogwarts during the school year unless given express permission by the school and their guardians. Louis, on the other hand, had never been one for the rules.

Sitting on the cold floor of the Slytherin common room with Harry curled into his side by the fire, Louis hums quietly as he tilts his head back against the couch, happier now than he's been in months.

"Haz?" He says quietly and feels Harry stir as he turns to look at Louis.

"What is it, Lou?" Harry asks and angles his head up and closer, pressing a soft kiss against the angle of Louis' jawline. It tickles a bit and Louis has to breathe just a bit harder through his nose so as not to squirm and ruin the moment.

"Dunno. Just thinking. I'm happy you're here. I'm happy we're here," he says, smiling softly and looking away from the window into the lake to meet Harry's eyes. They're always green, beautifully green, but the light in the common room exentuates them, making them even more breathtaking than usual (and Louis is very surprised, because until now, he would have thought it impossible).

Harry smiles widely at him, dimples peeking out and everything, and says, "I'm always happy with you. The way we are now or the way we were... I've always been happy with you."

"Oh, Haz," Louis croons, leaning in and kissing him softly. His heart is beating faster and he wonders if kissing Harry is something he'll ever be able to get used to. It's a new development, very new, and after having not done so for so many years (they're in Year Six now), Louis wonders how they ever survived without. He tries to rationalize his feelings; they're in the honeymoon phase, feelings are running at an all-time high, and he thinks that eventually they'll start to feel more normal and less surreal (although he doesn't know that they never, ever, feel anything less than divine).

Maybe he should have expected that from the beginning, what with the way they had started being nothing short of unconventional. Louis' mother came from a long line of witches and wizards who were dedicated to caring for magical creatures, and Harry came from a muggle family utterly fascinated by them. Louis' family owned a zoo (of sorts) and Harry's family had taken a tour there one day.

They had only been seven at the time. Harry had been visiting the nifflers, and one particularly pesky little guy had nicked Harry's favourite ring right off his (very small) finger. Louis had helped wrangle the niffler and personally delivered Harry's ring back to him - for which he was thanked with a very tight, very long hug.

The two had become close friends after that. They wrote each other once a week through their owls (Louis had to gift one to Harry - his family didn't have one, with Harry being muggleborn and all, and having to go without writing his new best friend was just not on. So, Louis begged and begged and begged and he finally convinced his mother to give one of their owls to the Styles family), and each time they missed a week, it would always be compensated for with a small gift. Louis always sent Harry magical presents, just little ones like chocolate frogs or something from Zonko's, and Harry always sent Louis muggle sweets and toys. He would never admit it, but he had always had a harder time figuring out the muggle toys than Harry had with the magical ones.

Even from the beginning, he could tell Harry was a natural at magic. He had always done cooler accidental magic than Louis - one time, when Lottie had been relentlessly trying to get into Louis' room, jiggling the knob like nobody's business while he and Harry had been trying to play a quiet game of Wizard's Chess, Harry had gotten so frustrated that he had made the knob of Louis' door vanish entirely. Louis had been extremely impressed, although his mother was less so. Still. It was awesome.

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