You Bring Me Home (Alternative Plot)

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Right. So. Humour me, here. As I was writing that last part, I had this idea for an alternative plotline this prompt could follow. Personally, I absolutely love it, so I wrote up a little plot overview that I thought I'd post alongside the oneshot. It's completely different, the only similar aspects being the prompt, and the fact that it's a Larry Hogwarts AU. I'm pretty excited about this one, but I think it would be best done justice as a multichapter fic and I have exams coming up this week, so I don't know when I'd be able to start (Wednesday is my last exam) or how quickly I'd be able to finish. It'd be much more well done and much less word-vomity than the original version of the prompt. So the real question here is this -

Would anyone even be interested in reading this (and hopefully, even, sharing it with other people)? If no one's interested, or I'd only have two or three people bothering to read it, I might not be able to justify spending so much time on it. I'm graduating this year and I do want to pull some good grades, after all. So let me know; leave a comment if you'd be interested. :)

~ Plot overview:

Louis has had his compass tattoo for as long as he can remember. He doesn't know where it came from, or why he has it, but he has always been so completely and utterly fascinated by it. It used to be because of the mystery of it, but since he's arrived at Hogwarts for his new teaching post as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, it's started moving. In different directions, all the time. It only stops at night, and sometimes not even then. Only, Louis can't quite figure out what it's pointing to.

You Bring Me Home || Larry Hogwarts AU (oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now