Would You Help Us??

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Ugly Fat Mexican Brown Girl: Hola, soy Dora!

Ugly Ass Blue Monkey: Y yo soy Boots!

Dora: Today we're going to help my old friend, El Chapo, break out of jail!!!!!

Boots: Simon...

Dora: Would you like to help us??!!

You literally have to go, you can't say no. They're gonna make you go and help them anyway. Oh well ****sighhh****

Dora: Thank you, gracias!!!

***Dora whispers loudly to Boots***

Dora: This is great he/she is falling right into our trap!!!!!!

You: What???

Dora: Oh nothing, I'm just really happy that you are coming with us!!

You: Okayyy.

***awkward silence accompanied by crickets***

Dora: Can you hit up the map, broo?

***you always had a thing for the map. He was so smexyyy and hawttt. When ever you were near him you would blush and your inside would twitch. You felt the robot butterflies in you stomach excited that had the job of calling the map**

***facetiming sound thingy*** du du du du du du du du du du du du du

Map: Yoooo wassup my nibba!!!!

You: Just hoe's lil adventure. You know, the usual.

Map: Seriously dude? Bruh you just can't keep calling me for everything!! It's getting freaking annoying man!!! Just siri dude.

You: Nah nibba that chick dumb af.

Map: Lmao true. At least start paying me tho like come on.

You: Ugh, fine. But I don't have a lot of money right now. I'll pay you when the big guy finally decides to pay up...

Map: Who said you have to pay in cash?? ***sexually smirked***

(OOOOF ikr it's getting steamy, but don't worry it gets better)

***you blushed knowing what he was implying to. You softly moaned agreeing. It sounded a little like this: mmmmm mm***

Map: Sooo where do yah need to go now?

You: The whitehouse.

Map: .

You: Don't ask.

Map: Alrighty then. You see, it's not that easy. First you need to make it across the bridge illegally! Then, you need to hijack the plane and fly all the way to Washington D.C! After you reach the city, you must past the security system! Be careful my friend.

You: Thank you, I will surely pay you back as soon as possible...**bites lip**

Map: You better help you do.

Dora: OMFG stawppp flirting you hoey hoe hoes!! El Chapo is waiting for us!!!

Map: You better go, I'll be waiting for your return, mi amor.

You: Simon, Papi.

***Map gives you one last sexy smirk before hanging up***


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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