Leaving Neverland

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I do not UNDERSTAND. What can make someone SOOOOO money thirsty???? So determined to break and bring down someone who loved and appreciated them so dearly. Gave them all they wanted, spent time with them. Gave them an opportunity that most never were able to get.

The evidence is right there.



What the hell do you fucking need to understand that this person was innocent.

Do I need to spell it out?

Pronounce it for you?

Read it over and over and over again?????

Show you over and over until the day I die.

How can you want money so bad??

Get a fucking job!!!

Advertise a company!!!

There are a million and one ways to make money.

So why do you feel the fucking need to bring down a guy who has touched the hearts of so many. A guy a who actually cared for the world. A guy who would've instantly dropped everything just so that he could  help you if you were in a struggle.

A guy, who was simply trying to live out his wildest fantasy.

Having a childhood.

You defend him under oath during his difficult times and come back to stab him in his back.

Do you know how much he cared for you??
Do you know how much he wanted to just make he world a better place?

No instead you want to twist a completely innocent goal of a normal man and turn it into something nasty and horrid from the fiery pits of hell.

Anyways; why the hell would you honor and dance to your so called "rapist"???

Just wondering cause Michael Jackson apparently

Now if you want evidence Private message me.....

I'm numb rn.


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