Nash Grier

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" LIKE OMG NASH GRIER IS SOOOOOO GOING TO TOTS BE MY HFL" Maggie said flipping through his Instagram.

" what's that mean?" Hannah said looking confused

" HFL? It means husband for life like get with the picture! So I was thinking Starbucks after school if that's cool wit you." Maggie looked up to see hannah jumping over cars and running to the bay.

" wait what are you doing are we skipping gym again because my grade is low enough as it is" she said but no answer. She finally caught up, all she heard from Hannah was " the bay is calling me, it's calling for me." Then she hurdled her self into the water. Turning into a mermaid. Then Maggie remember her scuba diving gear in the bush behind her.

But she didn't find the scuba diving gear, instead she found Nash Gear. He also hurdled himself into the water and turned into a merman saying,"The bay is calling me."

Maggie threw her arms back and fell to her knees,"He was my HFL!"

Nash pops up from the water,"What does that mean?"

Still screaming dramatically,"It means HFL!"

"Well I know that."

Hannah swims up next to him and says,"It means husband fo' life."

Nash shrugs his shoulders and the two of them swim away.

*cue the song "All By Myself"*

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