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A=Alex Guzman
C=Carlos Mena
An=Angel Rodrigez/You
More Characters later!


Hi my name is Angel and I'm 16 years old and I live in LA.My best friend is Carlos Mena my ex best friend is Alex Guzman he chose popularity over me and Carlos either way I have many more friends then Carlos I try to keep my friends really close so I won't loose them but I lost one that we all loved!💋

This is what I look like⬇


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Monday Morning


An~*Runs Downstairs*Te quiero!

Mom~Te quiero tanbien anyways I left food on the counter if you need anything or if anything happened text me oh yeah I will be calling you every night!Te quiero con todi mi corazon te bey en 7 meses(I love you with all my heart and I will see you in 7 months)


You mom leaves and you change into this⬇

You mom leaves and you change into this⬇

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Alex Pov

I see Angel pull up to the school but with Carlos I got super sad because I miss them so much...and the usual stuff happens they give me the stare 'Don't fucking talk to us again' and we used to give each other that stare when we used to be friends as a joke but's the real look


Di~Aye Alex I dare you 100 bucks that you wont get with that girl Angel!

A~Ightt bet!

Di~ And it has to be by the end of the other month!

A~Easy money!
Pov Over

C~Hey Angel I think Alex is coming our way...

H~Yeah uh bye Carlos and Angel!

C~Hailey wait up I'm coming too!

An~Wow y'all are really rude!*Laughs*

Alex Pov
While I was walking towards Angel I heard her laugh I missed it...All of a sudden I saw everything blurry I suddenly recognize that I was crying I whipped my tears away and I see Angel looking down at her phone I approach her and put my hands my arms around her and hug her she quickly pushes me away and slaps me...why am I such a fuck up!I chose popularity over my love!!!
Pov Over

A~Hey Angel can we please talk?

An~ Why so you can tell me how much you love your popular life?!Well don't worry cause no one that you where friends with like you!Look what you caused!EVRYTHING

A~ I'm sorry for everything that I have caused!*Tries to hug Angel*

An~ Yeah right*Walks away*

A~ You've changed...

An~ Yeah got a problem!

A~ Well you did the bad change...

An~ Whatever people change and when you left us I realized that I was being used by everyone so now leave me alone!*Walks to class*


Alex Outfit⬇

Carlos Outfit⬇

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Carlos Outfit⬇

Hailey Outfit⬇

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Hailey Outfit⬇

Hailey Outfit⬇

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Diego Outfit⬇

(With black pants)

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(With black pants)

The Bet Turned Into Real Love-Alex guzmanWhere stories live. Discover now