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A~Well I'm actually leaving too but it won't be for a year!

An~Whatever I still gotta deal with bussin-I mean stuff

A~Are you a drug dealer?



A~Bye Angel I'm going to miss you...

H~Yeah me too!!!!


An~Bye I love you all!!!*Walks Away*

H~Finally she's gone!

C~I know she's super annoying!Ugh I never loved her!

A~I know I'm only friends with her because it's a bet!


C~Anyways I don't get why she's even our friend!?

H~Right like nobody likes her!

An~*Tear Falls Down*Oh shit forgot my p-phone*Sniffle**Walks Back to The Group*

A~Angel why aren't you on the plane?

An~...Where's my phone?

C~Oh I have it!*Smiles*

An~*Rolls Eyes*Give me it back...*Pulls Hand Out*

C~*Hands Her Phone Back*I LOVE YOU ANGEL BYE!!!

An~Whatever*Rolls Eyes*

H~What's up with you?

An~...*Walks Away*

H~Wow won't tell me!*Blocks Angel*

An~Don't make me push you!

H~What's wrong!!

An~*Pulls Haileys Arm and Makes Her fall to the ground*

H~oww...Angel what's w-oww wrong?


All of them where asking her what's wrong and kept following her until she got to the place where they check her plane ticket and Angel just says...

C~What s wrong Angel dont go without telling us!

An~YOU ALL are the thing that are wrong!I hate you guys!*Goes to The Inside Of The Plane*


1 Year Later

-Angel still is the same but nicer and shier
-Alex is the schools Fuck boy but like ten times worse but he has a whole girl named Loren(Yes Loren Gray If you don't know how she looks SEARCH HER UP)
-Hailey is depressed as fuck
-Carlos is just like Hailey


An~Home sweet trouble finally!

Mom~Omg hey mija I guess today was the day you came back!

An~Yeah anyways did you just get here cause your all dressed up!

Mom~Oh I'm sorry but I'm going to another work place but I went grocery shopping and left the refrigerator completely filled!

An~Okay bye mama tomorrow I have school!

Mom~Okay te amo mucho!!

An~BYE mama!

Your mom leaves

An~*Rolls Eyes*Ugh now that she's gone...I need to get ready for bed it 12 midnight!

Thursday Morning


ngel Outfit⬇

An~New day new me!

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An~New day new me!


An~*Starts Sketching*Ugh I hate this drawing...*Throws Paper On The Floor*

?~Why did you throw this?

An~Its trash!*Closes Sketchbook*

?~Oh well it's a beautiful art work!

An~Yeah whatever...

?~Hi my name is Alex?

An~Alex Guzman?

A~Yeah th-Angel?

An~Just get away you didn't want to be real just did this stupid bet!!!*Walks Away*

A~Im sorry!



Everyone looked at Alex

An~Badly...*Walks To Class*

The Bet Turned Into Real Love-Alex guzmanWhere stories live. Discover now