Chapter 2

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"Bonjour, Sasha!" A loud voice made me turn to be pulled into a huge bear hug. 

As I was trapped in between two embraces, I glanced up to see who it was: Pierre and Rose. The middle-aged couple both had pink cheeks and small noses. Their stuffed stomachs pounded my smaller frame to a pulp.

I squeezed out of the smelly cage, painting a fake smile on my face. I tried to remember what my dad had told me about his cousin, Rose, and her husband.

Pierre was from France and Rose was from Utah. They met on a college trip that Rose had taken when she was 20, and they got married in Paris 3 years later. I racked my brain for any other memory.

"Sassy!" A young voice dipped in a French accent broke my thoughts. I was wrapped in another hug, leaving me glaring at the boys' mis-pronouncement of my name. 

I laughed nervously, prying his sticky fingers off my lily-patterned leggings. He looked about 7 years old, with one front tooth missing and a ton of energy. His rosy cheeks and chubby face matched his parents, though his black hair was definitely a shock from Pierre and Roses' blonde locks.

I had a vague remembrance of Dad mentioning a son, yet I couldn't recall his name.

My heart sunk. My dad had always dreamed of a son, but my mom was delighted to have two girls instead. It just added to the long list of things they disagreed on.

I forced the idea out of my mind. After a week of consideration, my parents sent me to the airport with bittersweet goodbyes. They did it for me: I needed to get out of the house.

Now I stood in Paris, longing to be back home with parents who loved each other. I felt like an extra piece of a puzzle- misplaced and lost. 

"Your father has told us so much about you!" Pierre exclaimed.

"We heard you loved to play piano," Rose's eyes twinkled. "So, the school we signed you up for has a special music program with a teacher named Madame Josephine."

My heart leaped as my fake smile turned real. "Oh, thank you so much!"

Piano lessons, the one thing that could heal my cracked soul just a bit. I filled with delight.

Suddenly, a realization struck my like fingers hitting notes on a keyboard. 

"But I can't speak French. How do I go to school if I can't understand anyone?" I said, the cheer dripping out of my heart.

"Don't worry," Rose assured me. "I can help, and so can your friend Summer. She's been here a while already, right?"

I nodded, but slight anxiety bubbled up in my heart. Would Summer even have time for me? Did she already make new friends?

"Everything will turn out fine," Pierre assured me. Numbly, I agreed.


The doorbell chimed playfully as I finished folding my clothes up neatly in my suitcase. 

"That must be her!" I cried with delight as I raced to the front door.



We both let out squeals of excitement, bouncing with joy as we squeezed each other.

"I haven't seen you in so long!" I exclaimed, jumping like a spring.

"Too long!" Summer agreed.

After our hug, I smiled. "You want to see the house?"

"Of course!" Summer grinned, her golden hair shining as I showed her around.

We walked through the halls, passing the bathroom and into the kitchen.

"You honey must be Summer!" Rose cheerfully exclaimed as she mixed some ingredients in a bowl. Rose's smile was as bright as the room's yellow walls.

The room had a granite island with bar stools underneath it. Rose stood by the shiny fridge, allowing delicious aromas of chocolate glide on the air. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and love, something that always surprised me when I entered. The wooden table had yellow painting legs and on the wall, a sunshine clock hung. 

"Here let me help you with that," Summer dashed over to Rose, taking the spoon and looking at the mix.

"I'm making a special treat for you two, being in Paris and all. I appreciate the help, sunflower, but you need to talk with Sasha." Rose winked at us before walking to the fridge. 

Summer beamed, nodding. "Terrific! Although you might want to add a tablespoon more of flour."

Rose laughed as we continued past her and Pierre's room and into the TV room. 

Theo (the little boy from before) sat on the light green ouch, his big blue eyes glued to the television's screen.

"Theo, meet my friend, Summer," I smiled.

"Bonjour, Summer," Theo waved at us without taking his eyes off the cartoon.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, you have to see my room!" I pulled Summer away as we turned a corner and opened the door.

"Welcome to Sasha's room! And Theo's," I sat on my flowery comforter as Summer looked around.

The room was separated into two sides, mine and Theo's.

On Theo's side, it had a green dinosaur comforter on his bed and a million toys on the floor. HIs dresser matched his comforter, and his toy chest was overflowing with knick-knacks.

However, my side was much cleaner. Underneath the window sat my bed, with a rainbow pillow on top of my flowery comforter. An old keyboard stood next to my still-packed suitcase, and my blue dresser was empty.

My old stuffed animal lion sat on my pillow, a gift from Summer when we were six. I held it now, waiting for my friend's reply. 

"Alright Sash, this is great and all but..." Summer bit her tongue, not wanting to disappoint me.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, I know you want to redecorate."

"Yes!!" Summer squealed. "I brought my crafting bag, in case you needed it."

"Oh, so you knew my room would be a mess, huh?"

"Er, no I just-"

I giggled. "I'm kidding! Let's roll!"

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