Chapter 15: Future plans

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(Normal pov)

"How much longer?"

Astrid wanted to throw Snotlout overboard and watch that useless sack of dragon shit drown, she was currently sharpening her battle axe and all Snotlout was doing was whining. He was lazy, arrogant, useless and a 'man child' she could only imagine Stoick's annoyance of choosing Snotlout as Berks heir, but Snotlout and the Jorgensons were family on Stoick's side and they held a legitimate claim to the throne. 

Regardless, Astrid was sick and tired of Snotlout squealing around like a pig in heat, Bjornolf was helping with rowing, she looked to her husband and saw how the mans face twisted with effort while rowing their massive ship, the Hooligans had a fleet of eighty ships and in addition to Magnus the Rabid and Wolf tribe, they had a fleet of two hundred ships, in total, the two allies had two hundred and eighty ships. 

The prospect of starting over, making a new life and fighting to ensure that this new home would stay in their hands excited Astrid to no end. True, though he disagreed with leaving Berk, the dragons were pushing them to the brink of extinction and it was the right call on Stoick's part to flee and go to the West. It was no secret that almost every Viking tribe in Norway and beyond was coming to the West, the dragons have all ravaged and slaughtered thousands of fellow Northmen and stolen more livestock than ever. 

The West was the only hope for all Northmen. 

But this would not be an easy task, the West was already inhabited by Christians and Astrid didn't understand why they worshiped a man on a cross. What was the significance of the Christians belief? Those were questions she supposed she'll never know. But Astrid's thoughts moved to other matters. It was something Sigurd told her, what could possibly be waiting for them when they arrived at the West?

They had all heard that a Night Fury was there and that someone dared to ride such... an abomination. The same abomination that murdered Hiccup. Astrid closed her eyes and held her axe close to her breasts, because that axe was made by Hiccup and she never even knew about it. She had found his initials on the base of the weapon. 


Astrid felt like she didn't deserve such a beautiful weapon, because Hiccup forged and created the most beautiful weapon in all of Midgard just for her. In a attempt to win over their friendship and pick up where they left off? And she repaid his gift with mockery, hatred, scorn and rejection. 

The blond shield maiden quickly wiped her eyes as she felt a tear slide down her cheek, she got up and looked toward the horizon, the North Sea was calm and gentle, one of the benefits of sailing during summer season, as Astrid looked toward the horizon, she eager to start this new beginning, because her priorities remained the same-- bringing honor and pride to her people and tribe and killing the last known Night Fury on Midgard, and in the act? Avenging Hiccup's murder. 

"URGH!! Can I take break? Please? My beautiful ass is getting sore!!"Snotlout whined once more, having enough of his whining, Astrid turned sharply to Snotlout who was rowing and grabbed him by his hair and yanked violently, causing the Jorgenson to scream in pain and turn to Astrid. "What the hell are you--?"

"SHUT UP!!! You are a pathetic, stupid, ignorant and useless waste of human life!!" Astrid screamed in his face; hurling spit in Snotlout's face, the Jorgenson closed his eyes tightly as Astrid continued to scream at him. "You don't have what it takes to lead our people!! Should Stoick fall in battle and you are crowned chief? Don't expect me sticking around!!" Astrid grabbed handfuls of Snotlout's leather armor and snarled at him. "Hiccup was ten times the man and heir you'll ever be. You useless shit." 

Astrid pushed Snotlout on the deck and he quickly got back on his feet and got in her face. "That little whelp would've plunged our tribe into ruin!! I'm more of a man that sickly excuse of a Viking ever was!" Snotlout shot back, but before the heated confrontation could continue, Stoick separated the two. "Astrid, cool off." He said, the Hooligan chief then turned to Snotlout. "And you. I can strip your title of heir anytime. Don't tempt me more than you already have. I need an heir not a man child." Stoick snarled at Snotlout before sitting him back down on the oars. "Now row and shut your mouth before I take your tongue." Snotlout grumbled and nodded before resuming his work, the confrontation brought a smile to Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut's faces, the female twin then sat next to Astrid and nudged her gently. "Somebody sure was ready to blow off steam huh?" She asked teasingly, Astrid snorted at her friends words and nodded. "You have no idea." Was Astrid's response. 

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