Chapter 23: Captured

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(Normal pov)

Within a day, Han's army arrived, the Crown Prince smiled wickedly at the sight of his forces, now, Hans gathered his generals in his tent to discuss a plan of attack, the Ryttere had patrolled the area around them, but the Crown Prince and those who remained with him had managed to stay out of sight and wait patiently for the rest of their forces to arrive. Now, Hans and his military leaders looked out toward the mountain covered with teal ice and one of the generals gave a suggestion to the Prince of the Southern Isles.

"Lord, we all know that whatever is inside that mountain, there are surly hundreds, if not thousands of dragons inside. We need a solid plan of attack, we cannot march our entire army there, those winged beasts will tear us to pieces."

Many of the other generals and military leaders of Han's army hummed in agreement, the Crown Prince growled silently under his breath and turned to his men and shrugged. "Well what do you purpose then general? It doesn't matter how we attack them, Elsa and Anna's mother in law will unleash her tribe of dragon riders upon us." Hans then turned away before thinking of anything they could do to snatch Elsa and Anna away from the safety of their mother in laws people and dragons. The Crown Prince then turned to his military leaders. "I will take six of my strongest men and wait for the next time Elsa and Anna step out of that mountain. Should their mother in law try anything... drastic, march the army for those heathens to see, they will stand down or risk losing the only two people in England that will accept them and their vile ways."

The military leaders bowed their heads in confirmation of the Crown Prince's plan. "Yes Lord." They said in unison, Hans nodded and then turned back to the mountain. "Now all we need do is wait."

(Hiccup's pov)

"LAND HO!!!"

I looked out a port hole to see Viking ships and Northern trade ships, I felt a shiver crawl down my spine, I knew we were in Iceland, the cooler temperatures proved that, it was what awaited for us on land is what concerned me greatly. I turned to Edgar to see him praying silently, I then looked up to see Sven order his crew to bring us slaves above deck.

"Up you dogs!! UP!!"

One of the taskmasters yelled, I got up and groaned in pain, I clutched my still wounded side as memory of the whip lash came back to me, but I shook off the pain and climbed above deck, Edgar close behind me, the taskmasters unlocked our foot chains and the proceeded to line up all of the slaves in a single line and shackle all our feet while being connected together.

Sven had his men lower a gangplank at the harbor of the Viking city in Iceland and we then disembarked the ship, the taskmasters pushed us all harshly to get moving, they still had whips in hand in case any of us stepped out of line. As we entered the city, Northmen of all kinds-- traders, farmers, citizens and warriors all glared at us and even spat and hurled old food at us, it was beyond embarrassing to be treated like filthy animals rather than human beings, I was a man, every slave on that ship are all men! Not animals to be sold off to harsh and crueler taskmasters.

We then entered a massive market to see many more Northern people, Sven then ordered his men to stand us up at a pavilion on the ground in preparation for auction. I soon felt sick to my stomach, I could be separated from Edgar, my only friend in this land, I took deep and slow breaths to calm myself. Once each of us were lined up, Sven welcomed the people gathered and spoke for all to hear. "Welcome! We are about to start the auction, so, if you serve an earl, jarl or king in need of fresh slaves, then prepare to bid and take out your purses." Sven then turned to his men and pointed to me, the slaver looked at me with an almost shark like grin, I saw Sven's men unlock the shackles to my feet and then drag me to the front of the pavilion for all those gathered to see.

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