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Leanna .

"I think I know what my husband likes." I said cutting my eyes at Ciera.

"As do I. It's just a suggestion." She said raising her hands in defense.

I gave her daggers as I finished my last touches on breakfast and grabbed some plates.

Ant came downstairs with Zoey in his arms who had her arms wrapped around him smiling.

"Mommy cooked!" Zoey giggled and I gave her a warm smile.

"Daddy down!" Zoey clapped and Ant laughed as he let her down.

"Well hi there, pretty girl." Ciera smiled once Zoey climbed in the chair next to her.

"Hi miss Ci Ci." She smiled back as I sat a plate in front of her.

"You hungry, Ant?" I asked looking back at him who climbed in the seat next to Zoey.

"Don't even have to ask." He said.

I chuckled and handed him a plate and myself one as well.

"Mind if I have a plate?" Ciera asked smartly and I looked as if I forgot about her.

"There's a plate and a spoon. Get to fixin'." I said nonchalantly as I sat next to Ant earning a look coming from him.

"Don't mind if I do." She chuckled as she rolled her eyes.

We ate breakfast in silence since there wasn't much to say and I wasn't comfortable with Ciera here to say the least.

I cleaned up the dishes once Ant and Zoey was finished after seeing Ciera get up and clean her own plate.

"You still down to go to the studio?" Ciera spoke to Ant as she was about to walk out the kitchen.

"Studio?" I lifted a eyebrow looking between the two.

"Uh, oh yeah. That's something I was meaning to talk to you about.." Ant said as he got up from the seat kissing Zoey on her forehead.

"Well.." I edged for him to tell me.

"I want to start back singing." He announced and I looked kind of shocked.

I mean I knew in high school he would sing all of the time and make his own songs. But I haven't heard him bring this up since I've been around him now, I thought he wasn't interested in it anymore.

"Oh, well that's..great. What brought this on?" I looked between him and Ciera.

"I was talking to Ci and she knew it was very therapeutic for me and we think it's a good idea if I get back into it." He smiled and I smiled back.

I was happy he wanted to do it... I just don't feel right with Ciera being there to be the one to help him with that. He could've came to me..

I may sound jealous or petty but I have no clue who this girl is and it seems like she knows more than me. And I can't shake this funny feeling about her..

"Well I'm behind you a hundred percent." I said as I went over and hugged him.

"You're okay with it?" He asked.

"Why wouldn't I be? It's something you're passionate about and I remember how you used to sing to me back in the day." I giggled. "It's been so long since I heard you though."

"You could come with us." He offered.

"Oh well I don't know if we have the space." Ciera stepped in making Ant look over to her with a raised eyebrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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