Chapter 2

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Stomping down the hall hurriedly, I throw another potato chip in my mouth from the small bag I'm carrying. I push open the wooden door to my fathers office, barging in.

He looks up from his paper, glancing at me through his reading glasses. "Harmony." He greets.

I swallow the potato chips in my mouth before speaking, "Why would you offer me out to one of your clients sons again?!"

"Like I've said many times before Harmony, you need a king for after coronation." He says nonchalantly,  continuing to read his paper.

"Dad I've told you, I don't need a king! I can do it on my own."

He shakes his head.

I scoff, "So, is this how it's always going to be? Sexist? A girl can't do anything without a man to back her up?"

He sighs, taking off his glasses and setting his paper down. "You know that's not what this is about." He says.

Shaking my head, I protest, "Well that's what it's starting to sound like."

"It's tradition. This is how it's always been and how it will always be. Why would I change it now?" He ask, leaning back in his chair.

"Because I am your daughter! And I don't want to be married right now dad!" I plead.

He stares at me.

I drop my shoulders, feeling defeated. "I am not ready to be married dad. I'm not ready for kids. It's not what I want right now. Please, I promise I can do it on my own." I beg, searching his eyes.

He continues staring at me, bringing his knuckle up to rest against his cheek as he contemplates what I said. "Go get dressed, the Vanderwalts will be here shortly." He says, turning his attention back to his paper.

It feels as if someone's punched me, hard. They've knocked me out of breath and have left me there, gasping for air like a fish out of water.

I crumble the empty chip bag in my hand and toss it harshly into the trash can by his desk before turning around and walking out, slamming his door in my wake.


"I should be wearing pants right now just to piss him off." I say, looking towards my father who's stood across the room talking to one of the maids.

"Language." Celeste warns, nudging my shoulder.

I look over at her as I continue to help her arrange the food on the plate. "What is a queen not allowed to say piss?" I press.

She glares at me, "It's un-lady like." She says, picking up the finished plate and turning away from me.

"It's un-lady like." I mock, making quotations with my fingers. Turning around to face her, I press my back against the counter.

"I think you look very nice." She says, glancing at the simple purple dress I'm wearing as she sets the plate on an entry tray.

I frown looking down at my attire, my light purple sundress that stops right above my knees, paired with my tan stilettos, "I wasn't going for nice, that attracts the guest." I pout, looking up at her. "I was going for more of a whore type of look."

"Ow!" I screech as I cup my cheek. Her hand leaving a fiery, stinging sensation from her slap.

"Assez!" (Enough) She almost shouts, pointing a finger in my face.

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