Grey Sweater

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Summary: Sebastian asks you to move in. 


"Babe, have you seen my grey sweater?"

You were currently in Sebastian's bedroom turning everything upside down looking for the lost sweater. Ever since you had become a couple you had steadily been moving things from your apartment to his. You hadn't even meant to, but somehow you found that most of your clothes ended up here anyway. He hadn't complained yet, so you didn't really make an effort to move it back.

"I think I saw it in the kitchen," He yelled back.

He turned out to be right when you saw it hanging on the back of a chair. You grabbed it pulling the soft material over your head as you walked into the living room.

"Did you find it?" he asked from the sofa, eyes glued to the TV.

"I did," you fell down on the space between his legs smiling as he wrapped his arms around you. He gave you a squeeze and pulled you closer to his chest, resting his chin on your head.

"Thanks," you grabbed his hand pressing a soft kiss to his knuckle, "I love you." You knew how much he loved to hear it and knowing he was also wearing a soft blush on his cheeks made it even better.

His fingers grabbed yours and started playing with them. "You know since you leave all your stuff here all the time-"

"I do not," you interrupted. He often teased you about it and you always pretended you didn't know what he was talking about.

"-Yes, you do. I don't mind it though," he quickly added chuckling, "I was wondering if you might want to move in with me?"

You laughed at his silly question not believing he was genuine. "Yeah, right."

"Baby, I'm serious. Will you move in with me?" The casual tone of nonchalance had changed and he actually sounded earnest.

You whirled around kneeling in between his legs, his hands grabbing your hips to steady you. You searched his eyes for certainty, "Are you for real?"

He laughed this time, smiling widely. "Yes, I am."

Your eyes widened as you took in the offer. He actually wanted you to move in. He wanted to live with you. He wanted to be able to come home knowing you would also be there.

"I would love to," you said smiling softly at him.

"Really?" He asked adoring a huge grin, a shine of excitement in his eyes.

"Yeah, why not?" You smiled back laughing as he pulled you in close, your lips meeting a sweet kiss.

"I love you," he mumbled against your lips before claiming them again.

"Remind me to get you some space in my closet." You drew back confused as to why he was mentioning it now.

"Can't have you leaving the entire apartment messy with your clothes." He said playfully.

You swatted his shoulder as he laughed loudly, "Hey!" 

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