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Summary: Your relationship is on the rocks and you are done fighting for it


This wasn't something that had happened in the last few days, no, it had been slowly growing until it became too large to ignore.

You had tried your best to solve it but you knew it was futile when you were the only one trying. This was not something you could save singlehandedly.

The house was quiet when he walked inside for the first time in months. You could hear him moving about in the hallway, probably trying to delay coming inside but he had to at one point either now or later. There was no avoiding this.

Finally, his feet stepped into the living room and you got to see the man that used to be yours in person. You had been in contact over the phone several times but soon gave up as he was too busy or not responding.

He looked as good as he did when he left to go shoot the new movie, hair newly shaved but still perfectly suited to his sculptured face, and wearing simple clothes.

All you wanted was to go hug him and let your lips tell him how much you missed him, but instead, you sat completely still in your seat watching as he cautiously approached you.

"Hi..." he said attempting to figure out where you stood with each other. Your last talk hadn't been pleasant, ending with the two of you yelling over the phone before you hung up. That had been over a month ago. A month had passed with zero communication between the two of you.

How had it become like this?

"Aren't you going to say anything?" he questioned once you didn't respond, eyes hardening.

"What do you want me to say?" you shrugged.

"A simple hello would have been nice."

"Why did you come back?" That was all you said, closing your eyes, your body hurting from just seeing him.

"Because I live here." he rolled his eyes, "Did you forget?"

"It wasn't hard to forget when I haven't seen you in months and barely spoken to you," you raised your voice before deflating again, "I don't want to fight. I'm done."

"Done? Hold up, are you breaking up with me?"

It confused you to see him act surprised to hear you say that. He must have known that it was inevitable.

"Yes. I can't do this anymore. I don't wanna wake up in an empty house not knowing when you'll be back, or when I'll even talk to you. That's not what I want in a relationship."

He stood silently in front of you for a moment assessing your face before turning on his feet and walking away.

"Sebastian?" He didn't answer but merely kept going till he was at the top of the stairs. "You can't just walk away."

"I don't wanna deal with this right now," he merely said.

"Deal with this?" you muttered to yourself, "This isn't something you get to decide! You can't just put me aside like a toy and decide when you want to play again. It doesn't work like that!"

"Leave it." his eyes met yours with a pleading you hadn't expected to see, "I'm tired and I don't want to accidentally say things I don't mean. Please?"

You sighed and let your shoulders deflate, a sign he knew meant that you had agreed and left you for the bedroom.

Why did you agree to delay what would inevitably end the same way?

You supposed it did warm your heart to hear him say that but it didn't make up for the hurtful words he had said in the last month, no matter how stressed or tired he was.

This was going to end. If not today, then tomorrow.

Sebastian Stan One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن