Can we work through this?

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Summary: Continuous fights have lead to a straining relationship. Can you and Sebastian work through it or will this be the end of your chapter? 


The room was tentative, the two of you silently scraping the last food of your plates, looking everywhere except each other. Your last fight was only mere minutes ago and the calm after the storm didn't feel calming at all. Your head was spinning with thoughts that came in at an alarming rate. Why were you together? Especially if being together meant fighting nearly every single day.

You heaved a sigh, gathering your plates as you finished. You began scrubbing the plates clean, trying to make sense of your thoughts. You hadn't heard the familiar squeaky sound the chairs made when pushed against the floor and knew that meant he was still sitting in the room. You gathered every ounce of courage in your body, and with your back still turned to him it made it slightly easier, to say the words that had been sitting in your mouth for days.

"Why are we doing this?"

"Doing what?" Sebastian sounded tired, tired of having to keep his guard up - never knowing when a simple conversation would turn into another pointless fight.

You turned around, gesturing wildly with the brush. "This! It doesn't make sense, does it? We don't make sense."

He opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off, tired of not getting to speak your mind, "I mean, look at us all we do is beat each other down. That's not how it's supposed to be. We're supposed to support each other, be there for each other, listen to each other and-" you shook your head shrugging,"-We don't. Not anymore, at least. " you blinked quickly to hide the tears forming in your eyes.

"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" He asked sarcasm painting every word, "Wave a magic stick around and make everything perfect?"

"Of course not," you gave him a pointed look, "that's not what I'm saying."

"All I'm hearing is complaint after complaint coming out your pretty little mouth," he pushed the chair out harshly ignoring your look, "and to be frank, I'm fucking sick of it.

"Well, if you would listen to me and actually care about what I'm telling you, then I wouldn't have to complain!" You yelled back before groaning in disgust at how quickly he could fire you up.

"I don't know why we're together. Beats me why we decided to try again. It clearly was a wrong decision!" The words said struck a chord with you.

"This is what I mean," you said after a few calming breaths, "We can't even discuss our relationship without yelling and cursing at each other."

He stood still, arms crossed over his chest, that expanded with every forceful huff.

"Maybe," you bit your lips hesitantly, turning around to avoid seeing his reaction, "maybe, we should consider ending this. For good."

The lack of response from him, caused you to ramble on nervously. "There's no reason to stay in a relationship and ruin whatever good memories we have. I would rather leave now than turn into a resentful and hateful person."

"Is that how you truly feel? Would you rather step away than try to solve it?" His voice sounded hoarse.

You hesitantly turned to find him on the chair with his face in his hands.

"I-I," you paused, before deciding to speak the truth. If you expected him to be truthful if would hypocritical if you didn't at least offer him the same. "I don't know."

He finally looked at you, giving you an insight into his mind through his red-rimmed eyes, "I'm not losing you again." He shook his head harshly, "I can't."

"Seb," you whispered, more words communicated than the simple sound of his name. Your feet brought you closer to him without your conscious consent.

"I know," he whispered standing up, "I know it's not that easy. I don't expect you to stay just because I said that." He sniffled, looking away to gather his thoughts.

"I just know I can't lose you again," his face turned determined, "I'm willing to talk, calmly, and find out where we went wrong and how to fix it. That is if you want to?" He gazed hesitantly into your eyes, the worry clear on his face.

Would that be the right option? Could the two of you work through your fighting and pain? Looking back into the past filled with painful memories of fighting and tears, it didn't seem tempting. However, they weren't the only memories stored away. Happy and joyful memories filled most when you thought of your time spent together. Different moments sifted through your mind; his bright smile when you agreed to a date, nights spent laughing away at inside jokes, and the brightest memory of all; the first time he told you he loved you.

If you were able to work through your differences before, who's to say you wouldn't be able to again. This relationship were too precious to throw away without giving it one more try. He was too precious.

"Yeah," you nodded, smiling slightly as his ears perked up and a relief-filled smile grazed his face, "I don't won't to lose you, too." Fingers grazed yours, before you clasped his hand in yours, giving it a tight squeeze. Things would be alright. 

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