Entry 3: Heart Condition Problems

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I went to see my heart doctor yesterday for a routine check up. It went really well and nothing's changed.

At this point, I've lost count of how many Echocardiograms and EKG's I've had in my 20 years of life. I'm pretty sure it's like.... 30 something.

Echocardiograms are quite painful on the ribs. Since they're tender from a previous Open Heart Surgery I had 5 years ago.

I had to wear a Halter Monitor for 24 hours. Taking it off was the best AND the worst. I was happy to get it off but it was so painful to remove.

A Halter Monitor measures Heart activity and checks for abnormalities. Removing a Halter Monitor is, in my opinion, worse than removing a bandaid.

First, it's super itchy. Second, it's stickier than a bandaid so removing it fast is NOT possible. I now have a red itchy spot in the center of my chest. Putting soap on that gave me an instant burning sensation.


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