Day Two

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I woke up, breathing frantically.

I looked at my alarm clock at the side and saw that it was 4:00 in the morning.

I sighed and decided since I'm up already, I might as well get ready for the day since Sarabeth and I wanted to get an early dip around 6:00.

I saw that she was fast asleep.

I got out of bed and showered, which took about 30 minutes.

I take long showers! Don't judge!

Once I got out, I got dressed and saw Sarabeth awake on her laptop.

"Hey, hot momma." I said.

I called her that.

"Hey, hot tamale."

She calls me that.

I was brushing my hair and saw her on Twitter.

She was scrolling through Luke Hemmings's page.

She sighed,"I wish I could meet him.."

"Hey, it's ok.. If I met Ashton, I'd pretend I didn't know him."

She laughed,"What IF we met them? I'd crap my pants."

We both laughed.

She closed her laptop and set it on the table.

"I'm gonna shower and get ready so we can get to the pool." She said.

"Kay kay."

I got on my phone and went on Twitter.

Well, I gained 3 followers so that's good I guess.

Obviously, I went to Ashton's page.

As I scrolled through his tweets, I laughed at them.


Band just wasn't workin it out so I got a day job at target... "How may I help you today?"

I tapped on the picture it led to and smiled.

Why did he have to be so perfect and me have to be so..


I sighed and clicked my phone off.

I love him.

I need him.


"Ok, ready Lexi?"


I got off the bed and we went down to the main floor.

Once we got to the pool, there was no one there.

Sarabeth set her phone and things down on the table, but I kept my phone with me so I could text my mom.

We sad down aside the pool and dipped our toes in.

I was in the middle of texting my mom when Sarabeth snatched my phone, laughed, and ran away.

"Hey!" I yelled.

I got up and chased her.

She looked back at me,"You'll never catch me!!"

Then she bumped into someone.

She looked at him and I caught up with her.

"Sarabeth... I... Slow down!"

I'm so lazy!

I stood next to her as she stared at the guy.

I was panting and looking down with my hands on my knees.

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