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'RISE AND SHINE BABY GIRLLLL' someone yelled jumping on me and i groaned and pushed them

I heard a loud thud and the door opened

'Jesus girl you good' it was alec

'No I'm sleepy' i said and i heard everyone laugh

'GET UP' Victoria yelled pulling the sheets off me and pulling me off the bed

Everything fell including my pillow so I just slept on the floor

'HONEY NO YOUR INTERVIEWS IN 3 HOURS GET THE FUCK UP' Victoria yelled and picked me up and took me into the bathroom

'How did you pick me up' i said

'You're light. After work we're getting you pizza' she said and i jumped up

'PIZZAAAAAAA' I yelled and Diego walked in

'Get changed' he said and Walked back out

'Ugh lemme shower' i said and Victoria gave me a towel and some spare clothes and i locked the door

I washed my hair with the shampoo that was already there and washed my body.

After i was done i turned the shower off and stepped out

I wrapped my hair in a towel and creamed my body then put on the clothes Victoria gave me

Which was shorts and a shirt

I then walked out and the whole gang was there

'What if I walked out naked guys' i said

'That'd be a sight to see' Tafara said and i punched his arm

'Ok ok allow the flirting' Alec said and Elijah came to me and he had a mask

Should have made me at least look hot as a boy

'Tie her hair up' Elijah said and Victoria took my hair and she overlapped it to make it flat as possible

'Your hair needs to flat as possible, otherwise it'd show on the mask' he said and put the mask on me

'Here's a tux, put it on' he said and i took off my shirt and put on the white shirt with the tie

I took off my shorts and put on the pants and then the blazer

Hey i don't look that bad

'You look like a 5 ft 7 dude' Tafara said

'That what I am you dumbo' i said and he laughed

'Here's a brief case come downstairs' Elijah said and i ran to the elevator and we all got in and went down

When I walked out Diego looked at me as if I died

'Who are you' he said

'Hers Marco'  Elijah said

'I dont care. Get the fuck out' he said

'Hes going to invest into the underground club. He's going to invest over 3 million' Elijah said

'Come tomorrow' he said

'Dude it's me' i said and he is jaw dropped

'YOU LOOK LIKE A BOY' he yelled

'NO WAY I THOUGHT I WAS A GIRL' I said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes

'Here's the glasses, press the button on the side to active the glasses but don't touch it. It's already on. The Mike is on there and you'll be able to hear us and communicate with us' Elijah said

'Right victoria's going to drop you off to hyperion. We will be seeing everything  you are'' Diego said and he pulled out this micro chip and placed it on my neck

'This changes your speach' he said and my voice went really deep


'We will also be telling you what to say during the intervie' i nodded and got into the car with Victoria and she drove off

'Hyperion is only 20 minutes away ok.' She said and i nodded and after 20 something ish minutes she pulled up

My heart started to beat faster and faster

'Bree chill i can hear your heart beat. We are right here' Diego said

'Go over the plan again' i said in the man voice

'You go into the interview.  You're definitely likely to be accepted and then they will take you to your desk and you do your stupid work. After a few minutes you start going for a wonder around the building. If anyone says why are you here just say you got lost and that your new' Diego said

'Got it' i said and Victoria shivered

'That voice scares me' she said and i laughed

'Go I'll be here and i have my i pad so I'll still be able to see and hear what you're seeing and hearing' she said and i high fived her

'Wait Bree' she said and sprayed on some cologne

'No dude smells like jasmine and honey you gotta smell like a dude.' She said and i heard everyone laugh

'Go time' i said walking into the building with the stupid briefcase and strong scent of cologne hitting my nose

'Yes may i help you' a man said

'Say, my name is Jordan Smith I'm here for a interview' i heard Elijah said

'Hi I'm Jordan Smith i am here for the interview' i said

'Right this way' he said and took my through to an elevator and i kept looking around to get a full insight of the building

He pressed the 4th button and when we got there the whole office was filled with dudes

I mean no girls can work in this stupid world and law we live in

'Stay here until your name is called and good luck' he said and walked off

The door opened

'Jordan smith' i heard that voice before

I looked up to see


'FUCKING SHIT MAN' Tafara yelled


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